Agenda item

P/14/293/FUL - Pant-Y-Wal Wind Farm, East of Ogmore Valley, Bridgend - 12 Wind Turbines (36MW), Access Track & Assoc. Works for 25 Year Period


Code No.            Proposal


P/14/293/FUL     Pant-Y-Wal Wind Farm, east of Ogmore Valley, Bridgend – 12 Wind turbines (36MW), access track and assoc. works for 25 year period.     



(2)  That the Corporate Director Communities be given plenary powers to issue a decision notice granting consent in respect of this proposal once the applicant has entered into the aforementioned Section 106 Agreement, but not before the applicant has also entered into Section 106 agreements and the planning permissions have been granted for the related Section 73 planning applications P/14/540/RLX and P/14/541/RLX and subject to the Conditions contained within his report.


Subject to the following amended Conditions 7, 10, and 13 as well as the inclusion of the following Condition 38, and further Notes as follows:-


7. The overall height of the wind turbines shall not exceed 125m to the tips of the turbine blades and the maximum output from each turbine shall be limited to 2.5MW unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and landscape protection


10. Subject to the allowance for micro-siting provided in this condition, the turbines shall be erected at the coordinates indicated on the Turbine and Track Layout (Reference: A077143 3-02).Variations to the indicated position of any turbine(s) shall be permitted by up to 50 metres in any direction. A plan showing the position of the turbines as built shall be submitted within one month of the First Export Date.


Reason: To comply with the environmental assessments undertaken of the proposed development and to take account of local environmental conditions.


Condition 13 should be amended to amend point (x) and include point (xi):


x. There shall be no access to the site other than via the existing access track on the route A4093 as approved under P/08/962/FUL


xi. The submission of a scheme showing a temporary 30mph restriction in speed limit on route A4093 from the existing 30 mph speed limit in Glynogwr village in the West to the Common County Borough Boundary with Rhondda Cynon Taf in the East. Such a scheme shall include all appropriate signing and carriageway markings and shall be fully implemented including the necessary traffic order before the development commences and shall be maintained during the construction phase of the development and removed after construction has ended.


38. No material arising from any excavation on the site shall be transported away from the site.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety


Additional Notes:


The developer is required to enter into a Section 59 Agreement under the Highways Act 1980 to ensure that any damage to street furniture, highway verges or carriageway during the transportation of the turbines is reinstated to the satisfaction of the Highway Authority.

No lorries associated with the construction of the site should enter or leave the site during the periods of half hour either side of the times school commencing and ending and contact the Head Teacher of Bryncethin Primary School, in order to make the school aware of the additional traffic movements.


It is noted that the components for the windfarm turbines will be brought to site under police escort.


It is noted that works will be carried out adjacent to the highway and the applicant is advised to contact the Highways Maintenance Manager in this respect.


The applicant should be advised to consult with the Highway Authority regarding the various Public Rights of Way, crossing the site, before details are submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval.


 (3)  That the applicant enters into a Section 106 Agreement to:


       To agree not to action, implement or rely on Consent P/06/417/FUL    and to agree that the table of noise limits set out as Table 5.11 (Set 2) Proposed Planning Condition Limits for the Existing Pantywal Wind Farm Bridgend CBC Turbines 1-10 (Other Times) and Table 5.12 (Set 2) Proposed Planning Condition Limits for the Existing Pantywal Wind Farm Bridgend CBC Turbines 1-10 (Night Time) in the White Young Green Noise Assessment dated March 2015 shall be implemented and observed by the Developer from the date of the Section 106 Agreement.


Supporting documents: