Agenda item

Draft Internal Audit Strategy and Annual Risk Based Audit Plan April 2015 to March 2016



The Principal Auditor presented the Committee with the Council’s draft Internal Audit Strategy and draft Annual Risk Based Plan for the year April 2015 to March 2016.


She highlighted that the Plan provided for 1,296 productive days being delivered during 2015/16 which equates to approximately 7 full time equivalent employees which is 47% of the shared services overall resources split between Bridgend and the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s.  The proposed plan for this year (attached at Appendix 1 to the report), was compiled following discussion with Directorate Management Teams and following consideration of the Council's Risk Register, the Corporate Plan and Directorates Business Plans, and includes the significant risks facing the Authority. The document had also taken account of feedback from inspections of Council services undertaken by Regulators such as the CSSIW and Estyn.  The draft plan   had been shared with the Corporate Management Board (CMB) for comment.  The Principal Auditor also informed Members that if risks changed throughout the year the Auditors had Contingency time so that they were able to undertake work in particular areas should emerging risk arise.


A member asked if there are currently any vacant posts in the Internal Audit team.  The Principal Auditor explained that there were 3 which were currently being recruited for.  Interviews and assessments were expected to take place shortly.  She said that the Committee would be kept informed of the outcome of the interviews. 


A member asked if the ICT systems audit related to the Children’s Service.  The Principal Auditor advised that the audit days being referred to did relate to the Children’s Directorate and that they would be looking at the IT systems that support the schools.  There are other days in the plan for a review of the ICT systems in other areas of the Authority. 


RESOLVED:                          That Committee approved the draft Internal Audit Strategy and draft Annual Risk Based Audit Plan for 2015/16



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