Agenda item

To agree the number of Members to be appointed to the Cabinet


The Leader announced that the Cabinet for the year 2015/16, would comprise of himself and the following six Members:-


Councillor H J David

Councillor H Townsend

Councillor H M Williams

Councillor M Gregory

Councillor P J White

Councillor C E Smith


            The Leader of the Independent Alliance Group, whilst appreciating that within the past year Councillor Smith had been appointed as a Cabinet Member to support the Cabinet due to the ill health of other Cabinet Members, she confirmed that she could not support a permanent increase of Members on the Cabinet, particularly since this original problem had now been resolved by a change in the membership of Cabinet. The reason for this, was that under the Council’s MTFS, employers were still facing the threat of redundancy due to cutbacks affecting local government and the extra money committed to a further Cabinet Member could go to easing these redundancy pressures. She therefore moved an amendment that was duly seconded and proposed that the Cabinet be made up of 6 Members as was originally the case.


            The Leader responded by stating that the number of Members on the Cabinet had been increased due to the overall workload of the Cabinet as a whole, both at the time Councillor Smith was appointed, and at the present time. He added that he felt this trend would continue in the future. He further added that the number of Members on the Cabinet in BCBC was still less than that in neighbouring authorities where there were as many as 9 or 10 Members forming the Cabinet.


            Members then agreed to have an electronic vote on whether or not a recorded vote should be taken in order to establish whether or not there should be 6 or 7 Cabinet Members, to comprise the Executive.


            Following the electronic vote, it was unanimously agreed to have a recorded vote on this matter.



          The outcome of the recorded vote was as follows:-


            For (a Cabinet comprising 7 of Members)        Against                   Did Not Vote   


            Cllr M Thomas                                                      Cllr M Winter           Cllr L Ellis       

            Cllr R E Young                                                     Cllr D G Owen         Cllr G Thomas                                                                                  

            Cllr H M Williams                                                  Cllr S Aspey

            Cllr A D Owen                                                      Cllr B Jones                     2

            Cllr R Williams                                                      Cllr E Venables

            Cllr J R McCarthy                                                 Cllr N Clarke

            Cllr D B F White                                                    Cllr C A Green

            Cllr N Farr                                                             Cllr K J Watts

            Cllr R M James                                       

            Cllr D R Pugh                                                               8

            Cllr D R W Lewis

            Cllr J E Lewis

            Cllr P James

            Cllr E M Hughes

            Cllr G Phillips

            Cllr G W Davies MBE

            Cllr P John

            Cllr H E Morgan

            Cllr P A Davies

            Cllr E P Foley

            Cllr E Dodd                                                               

            Cllr D Sage                                                                                                                                                                                                

            Cllr M W Butcher

            Cllr M Jones

            Cllr C Westwood

            Cllr M Reeves

            Cllr C L Reeves

            Cllr J C Spanswick

            Cllr C L Jones

            Cllr H J Townsend

            Cllr J H Tildesley MBE

            Cllr P J White

            Cllr H J David

            Cllr M E J Nott OBE

            Cllr M Gregory

            Cllr C E Smith

            Cllr L C Morgan

            Cllr C J James

            Cllr R D Jenkins


Totals        39