Agenda item

Western Bay Regional Quality Framework

To provide Cabinet with the background to the work across Western Bay to develop a Regional Quality Framework for care homes across the region and to seek approval of the Regional Quality Framework and implementation of the Framework at a local level.



The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing submitted a report to update Cabinet with the background to the work across Western Bay to develop a Regional Quality Framework for care homes across the region and to seek their approval of the regional Quality Framework and implementation of the Framework at a local level


She stated that Bridgend County Borough Council has led and been the host authority for this piece of work, as the Council already operates a quality framework for care homes. The quality standards within Bridgend have been in operation for over 5 years and have been instrumental in improving the quality within care home settings.


She added that over the last 18 months there has been a great deal of positive work and energy involving a range of partners to pull together the RQF, drawing from best practice across the UK. There has been a range of consultation events as the RQF has been developed to help gather views from stakeholders and care providers. There have also been regional events to help shape the high level outcomes and measures within the RQF and local events with care providers to ensure their views are included.


The development of the RQF is timely as the Older Peoples Commissioner (OPC) for Wales undertook a review of over 100 care homes across Wales in November 2014. The review was the biggest of its kind in Wales and looked at: -


·         The residents social participation

·         The care home environment

·         Access to health care services

·         Food and diet

·         Care home staff capacity and training

·         Service commissioning and inspection


There is a great deal of emphasis on Councils to ensure that quality of life underpins residential and nursing care at every level from commissioning of services through to the front line delivery of care. The OPC recommended that there is a need to develop mechanisms, which are embedded by commissioners in order to test quality and outcomes for older people in care home settings.


The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing highlighted the next steps to the Members which are:


         Over the next 3-4 months, the Authority will work with local care providers to establish a new scoring mechanism which aligns the RQF to the quality fee payment system;

         A launch date will be arranged to raise awareness and publicise the new Framework across the region;

         Each authority area will agree a roll out and implementation plan;

         Carry out an evaluation in 12 months, following the implementation across the region.


The Cabinet Member Adult Social Care and Health and Wellbeing commended the Council on its role in developing a Regional Quality Framework for care homes across the region.  He referred to section 3.9 of the report and expressed concern that there was little highlighted about the choice that people living in care homes have.  He stated that Western Bay has worked well but having choice available is important. 


The Deputy Leader added that it was pleasing to see that Bridgend was highlighted for its best practice and to hear that it continuing to build on this and that the Authority is keen to do better for vulnerable people in Bridgend.  The Deputy Leader highlighted that the scoring criteria included end of life care for the elderly and care for those who suffer from dementia and felt where appropriate residents should be given more control and choice of their lives and involved in the selection process of staff recruited into care homes. 


RESOLVED:               That Cabinet


1.    Noted and approved the Authority signing up to the Regional Quality Framework for care homes.

2.    Approved the development and implementation of a new scoring criteria based on the Regional Quality Framework in Bridgend, which is aligned to the Quality Fee Payment Scheme


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