Agenda item

Revised Corporate Priorities for Public Consultation


The Chief Executive submitted a report together with a presentation which sought  formal agreement of the revised corporate priorities (strategic themes) and areas of focus that have been identified for each priority for public consultation.  He stated that the Authority was facing unprecedented financial challenge with a funding shortfall of £49m between 2016/17 and 2018/19 and that it would need to change in response to increasing demand and more complex needs to shape a sustainable and significantly smaller Authority (70% of its current size).


The Chief Executive highlighted the six improvement priorities from the Corporate Plan for the next four years and that the Medium Term Financial Strategy had identified the resources to support the delivery of the improvement priorities as well as those required supporting the Council’s usual activities.  He added that Cabinet and the Corporate Management Board had identified the need to revise and more tightly focus on the corporate priorities to design and shape a significantly smaller authority.  A number of principles had been developed to guide the selection of priorities and resourcing choices, the principles and revised priorities will be known as strategic themes, three strategic themes had been developed which will be the Councils priority for the next 4 years, they are:


1.    Supporting a successful economy – taking steps to make the County a good place to do business and ensure that our schools are focused on raising the skills, qualifications and ambitions of all young people in the county.

2.    Helping people to be more self-reliant – taking early steps to reduce or prevent people from becoming vulnerable or dependent on the Council and its services.

3.    Smarter use of resources –  ensuring that all its resources (financial, physical, human and technological) are used as effectively and efficiently as possible; and supporting the development of resources throughout the community that can help deliver its vision.


He outlined the key outcomes that can be expected from these themes.


He explained that as the Authority changes it will have particular regard to the following:

  • Safeguarding our most vulnerable people
  • Equality and Diversity
  • Financial accountability and value for money
  • Management of risk, including the health and safety of employees and service users


The Chief Executive informed Council that consultation on the revised corporate priorities will take place between July and September 2015. 


A member of Council referred to the funding shortfall facing the Council and questioned how the agenda for training young people between the ages of 16-24 could be delivered when schools are reducing the number of sixth form courses.  The Corporate Director Education and Transformation informed Council that there would be a focus on Key Stage 4 outcomes and there would be a continued drive to deliver improvements.  She stated that a number of students have to travel outside the County Borough to attend some courses and she highlighted the need to have courses being provided locally, e.g. computer programming in order to support employers recruiting in that field.           


A member of Council referred to the emphasis being placed on the third sector and Town and Community Councils and questioned their ability to deliver when they were also faced with diminishing resources.  The Chief Executive informed Council that a number of Town and Community Councils and organisations in the third sector are able to support the Council in its activities; however he was aware that smaller Community Councils would not be able to provide that support.


A member of Council asked whether APSE could be engaged in supporting the Council in the transformation of and outsourcing of services as the Council moved towards the commissioning of services through social enterprises.  The Chief Executive informed Council that it operated its services through a mixed economy and there was a need for the Council to be smarter in the use of its resources.  He stated that it was not always the case that services could be better delivered through a partner and he highlighted the example of the Council’s Architectural Services Team which had applied smarter commercial principles in the way it worked to improve its performance.  The Chief Executive informed Members that the Council is a member of APSE but it had not yet had the opportunity of working with that body but had worked with an organisation called iEasy where it had traded skills.  He stated that the transformation of services was not about hiving services to social enterprises.  A member of Council expressed concern regarding the possibility of de-regulation of services as it could lead to a lack of democratic accountability.  The Chief Executive informed Council that the transformation of services would not result in a lack of control and accountability. 


A member of Council stated that APSE had experience in economic development and links with APSE should be explored particularly as the Communities Directorate had experienced severe budget cuts.  The Chief Executive informed Council that the organisational structure was irrelevant and that there was only one pot of money available to the Council.                                                 


A member of Council also questioned whether the feasibility of a collaboration of HR, ICT and Finance services with other local authorities could be revisited.  The Chief Executive informed the Council that there had been an attempt at collaborating HR and Finance services with other local authorities, but it had folded, however the potential for a collaboration of those services could be explored. 


A member of Council asked whether each of the three themes could form a series of separate reports for consideration by Council to enhance transparency and public scrutiny given the funding shortfall.  The Chief Executive informed Council that there would be further engagement with Members on the three themes.  There was a need to consult staff on the revised priorities and themes prior to public consultation.              


RESOLVED:               That Council:


1.      Approved the Council’s Vision;


2.      Approved the revised priorities and supporting actions for staff and public consultation. 

Approved the rev 


Supporting documents: