Agenda item

Social Services Annual Report 2014/15

This item will be accompanied by a Presentation from the Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing


The Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing submitted a report for approval from Council and requested that Members noted the judgements reached locally about Social Care Services in Bridgend.  She also provided Council with a comprehensive presentation on the Annual Report for 2014/15. 


She explained the Annual Council Reporting Framework procedures which were:


·         The Care and Social Services Inspectorate , Wales (CSSIW) has arrangements in place for the inspection, evaluation and review of local authority social services

·         The Framework provides the foundations of the Authorities duty to report on the whole circle of care from commissioning, contracting, and assessment care management to service provision and states that:


Ø  The authorities themselves will report annually on progress and outcomes and their plan for improvement.

Ø  The Inspectorate will undertake a review and analysis of evidence underpinning the annual report including evidence from other inspectors and regulators

Ø  The analysis will result in an individual inspection and review plan for each authority


·       This is the sixth Annual Report of the Director of Social Services


The Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing explained the Annual Council Reporting process which is:


       Each Group Manager/service lead undertakes a review of their service area – with reference to the key areas of priority from the previous year

       A comprehensive report is written for each service area

       All statements made are supported by evidence

       Individual reports and evidence is submitted to CSSIW by 31May each year

       Individual reports are used to compile two Heads of Service reports

       The final report, taking into account scrutiny comments, is presented to Council and submitted to CSSIW


The Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing informed Council of the key facts in Social Care in Bridgend.  She stated that:


       Social Services in Bridgend aims to provide a range of support and services that are responsive and proportionate to need whilst also ensuring that children and adults are safeguarded and protected from harm.

       The Authorities vision is to actively promote independence, wellbeing and choice that will support individuals in achieving their full potential.

       The Social Services and Wellbeing Directorate are responsible for the planning, commissioning, assessment and, where appropriate, the direct provision of:


Ø  Physical and learning disability services

Ø  Mental Health services

Ø  Services for older people

Ø  Services for people with dementia

Ø  Support to children in need

Ø  Services for looked after children and  children on the child protection register

Ø  Support to care leavers


       There are 1236 staff (some part time) in the directorate (975 in ASC, 183 in safeguarding, 25 in Sport, Play and Active wellbeing and 53 in business support)

       The directorate’s budget is £62m (£59m for social services)

       4718 people were supported (in the community) of these 32% were between 18 and 64 and 68% were over 65.

       2299 people received a telecare package

       Over 2100 referrals were received for Primary Mental Health Services 

       7058 referrals and re-referrals were received by ASC

       4,619 contacts were received,  999 of which were assessed as referrals where a form of safeguarding intervention was required

       1333 initial assessments and 594 core assessments were completed throughout the year

       There were 125 children’s names on the Child Protection Register at 31 March 2015

       There were 390 children looked after as at 31 March 2015

       24 children were adopted during the year and 18 new adopters were approved

       At 31 March 2015, the local authority and its partners provided support to 95 care leavers aged between 16 and 21 years


The Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing explained that the key drivers behind in the report were:

       The Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014


       Western Bay

       Corporate Priorities

       Regulation and Inspection


The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing highlighted to Council their achievements over the last year which were:


       Social Services has steadily increased the number of Telecare installations in the homes of people in need from April 2014, helping them to manage the risks that may be present;

       provided 960 people with an alternative to a hospital admission through our intermediate care Community Resource Team

       We supported 41 people with a learning disability to access day time activities in the community as an alternative to day services

       16 people with a learning disability moved from residential care into their own tenancies in supported living accommodation

       98.5% of all contacts made were reviewed within 24 hours

       99.6% of reviews of children on the Child Protection Register were carried out within statutory timescales compared to 99.0% the previous year


She advised Council that the key actions going forward are:


       To continue to develop the progression model in Learning Disabilities

       Finalise the Prevention and Wellbeing Strategy and develop a delivery plan

       Continue the development of a commissioning plan for the independent sector homecare market and the implementation of that plan (leading to a re-commissioning exercise)

       Continue to safely reduce the LAC numbers

       Establish a Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub

       Ensure robust mechanisms are in place to identify and provide children at risk from Child Sexual Exploitation



Members thanked the Corporate Director - Social Services and Wellbeing for the comprehensive report and commended the whole team on the excellent figures.  They were impressed at the delivery of the service whilst the new Health and Wellbeing Act is creating additional duties for the team with no extra resources. They stated that the transformation ahead, was a change for the better. 


A Member asked if BCBC were confident that the external homecare providers were able to provide an adequate service.  The Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing stated that they were confident the homecare providers are able to provide an adequate service as BCBC has a quality assurance process which other local authorities are also looking into implementing, she explained that the process is in keeping with the Health and Wellbeing Act


The Deputy Leader thanked the team for the report and for earlier submitting to Cabinet for information.  He explained that there were plenty of compliments in the report from the public, senior professionals and the District Judge which he felt spoke volumes for the staff and leadership team.


The Chief Executive stated that the report highlights the scale and pace of change that the Authority is working with.  He added that the change in legislation and changes in demand within the community and financial climate were creating additional pressures on the Authorities resources.  He further added that the support received by the Directorate was a key part of their successes and future support is vital.









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