Agenda item

Rationalisation of Learner Transport



Deborah McMillan, Corporate Director – Education and Transformation

Cllr Huw David, Deputy Leader

Kevin Mulcahy, Group Manager Highways

Nicola Echanis, Head of Strategy Commissioning and Partnerships

Fran Jones, Team Manager Additional Learning Needs



The Corporate Director Education and Transformation presented a report to Committee on the progress made in relation to the rationalisation of Learner Transport for pupils with a Special Educational Need (SEN)


She explained that Section 3 of the Learner Travel (Wales) Measure 2008 place-d a duty on the local authority to make transport arrangements for learners of compulsory school age in specified circumstances and subject to specified conditions.  She added that this part of the Act, makes provision for free transport, defined by whether they live further than the agreed distances from the schools at which they receive education or training. 


Members asked Officers what proportion of the total cost for Learner Travel was for SEN Children. The Corporate Director Education and Transformation estimated that from the total bill of £3.3 million, £400k was the cost of Learner Travel for children with SEN.


Members asked what the rationalisation of Learner Transport meant for the authority, and if the possibility of utilising public school transport after they have completed their school rounds has been or could be looked at. 


The Corporate Director Education and Transformation stated that a robust review of all Learner Transport was in progress.  She added that all  the different cases would be reviewed to identify savings and ascertain if individuals are provided with the most suitable and efficient transport.   She explained that arrangements such as sharing transport, teaching individuals, independence and mapping of journeys from home to learning centres will be reviewed.  The Group Manager Highways Services added that the Council welcomed the use of different methods of transport to maximise transport initiatives overall, however the vehicles in question often have to undertake additional journeys during the day.  The Deputy Leader added that as the budget pressures are acute, all options such as buses being used throughout the day, and Learners at Bridgend Learning Resource Centre using the buses for day trips could be explored to make better use of resources.


Members queried if best practice was being adopted regarding efficiency savings.


The Group Manager Highways Services stated that efficiency measures in this area would be a collaborative process,  adding that the Authority is ensuring that they are keeping pace with other Local Authorities. He stated that Neath Port Talbot CBC are also currently reviewing their SEN Transport. The Head of Strategy Partnerships and Commissioning added that no decisions would be made based solely on financial savings for the Authority, and that the needs of the child would be considered first and foremost.


A Member queried the legal issues if a parent disagreed with the potential changes to the transport arrangements for their child.  The Team Manager for Additional Learning Needs stated that it would depend on the scenario and if it was specified within the policy and relevant legislation. She explained that in all circumstances discussions would take place with the parent and child and also with education psychologists to determine if sharing transport is suitable to the appropriate needs of the child.


Members asked if the identified £100k SEN Learner travel savings outlined in table one of the report was on track to be achieved for 2015-2016.

The Corporate Director Education and Transformation confirmed that the table is indicated as green in this area they are on track to achieve the saving and the £150k saving for 2016-2017.




Following their discussions with Officers, the Committee agreed to make the following recommendation to Cabinet:


The Committee recommend that a comprehensive policy review of all transport within the Local Authority be undertaken as a matter of urgency to consider all possible means of utilising the Authority’s transport vehicles in order to achieve efficiency savings.


Members further recommend that:


1.    Officers determine where there is best practice in Wales, in terms of Learner Transport, and that this is used to majorly inform the review;

2.    Legal issues and potential legal concerns are considered as part of the review;

3.    The Review utilises empirical evidence and facts and seeks these out where they may not be already known;

4.    Consideration be given to further mainstreaming transport for pupils with SEN as far as possible, given that many of these pupils are attending mainstream schools and classes;

5.    The use of escorts be considered as part of the review, and whether they can be better and more effectively utilised;

6.    Consideration be given to revisiting innovative schemes such as the Volunteer Driver Programme to assist with Learner Transport;

7.    A process be determined through the review to continuously assess and track the take up of transport throughout the year, in order to inform future provision.



Additional Information:


The Committee requested that they receive confirmation of the actual figures relating to the cost for SEN transport compared with the total cost for all of Learner Transport in Bridgend.


Likewise, Members asked for figures on the actual cost savings being made through the rationalisation of Learner Transport.





Supporting documents: