Agenda item

Six Monthly Report on Equality in the Workforce


The Equality and Engagement Officer presented a report that provided the Cabinet Equalities Committee with data on the Council’s workforce, together with comparative information and an update on employment related developments


He confirmed that the Appendix attached to the report provided half yearly profiles and a data analysis of the contracted workforce from 30 September 2013 until 31 March 2015. Profiles included data relating to the number of employees disclosing as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, and a detailed breakdown of employees‘ Welsh speaking, reading and writing skills.


In terms of current developments, the Equality and Engagement Officer referred to paragraph 4.2.1 of the report, and explained that the data capture project focused on the benefits to employees of completing a questionnaire and disclosing details regarding themselves, including sensitive information. Good progress had been made to date he explained, with a total of 1,707 employees across all Directorates having completed the exercise. He then outlined the benefits to the Council and its employees by completing such a questionnaire, as were shown in bullet point format in this part of the report.


He then referred to paragraph 4.2.2 of the report, confirming that good progress had been made in meeting the actions outlined in the Strategic Equality Plan objective “The Council’s role as an Employer”, which was due for completion in 2015. These were outlined in this part of the report also.


The Equality and Engagement Officer then referred to certain further developments, which included the development of employee guidance on meeting the needs of Transgender customers, and the progress being made on developing a staff network for BCBC employees who were carers.


In conclusion of his submission, the Equality and Engagement Officer then gave a resume of some of the statistics contained in the Appendix attached to the report, the key points of which were detailed on the back page of this Appendix.


A Member noted that there had been a reduction in the number of full time employees which had decreased by 370 since March 2014. She asked if this included the transfer of staff to Halo.


The Equality and Engagement Officer confirmed this to be the case.


In response to a further question, a Member asked if the reduction in workforce included staff in schools, and the Equality and Engagement Officer replied that this data did include staff within schools.


A Member noted that the age profile in terms of Officers employed by the Authority was interesting, in that since the recession more older than younger people were being employed by the Authority. He asked if any further data could be made available on this over and above that contained in the report.


The Equality and Engagement Officer confirmed that he would look into this point to see if he could provide Members with some further breakdown on this, but added that the Authority were looking to employ people in roles of apprenticeships, as well as looking out for work placements and avenues of employment etc, for LAC including those that had come out of care.


The Equality and Engagement Officer further added that perhaps employment in a local authority was these days not attractive as it once was, particularly since the recession and cut backs that had been imposed within local government, and that may be one of the reasons why older rather than younger people were looking at employment opportunities within the Council.


A Member asked if the Authority practised exit interviews through Human Resources when an employee leaved the employment of the Council.


The Equality and Engagement Officer confirmed that whilst there was scope to have an exit interview, not all employees wished to have these.


In response to a further question from a Member, asking if Members could also complete the data collection questionnaire as part of the exercise, the Equality and Engagement Officer confirmed that this had also been made available for Members to complete, though to date, only 8 of the 54 Members had completed and returned this.


The Chairperson advised that a reminder should be sent to those Members who have not completed this questionnaire, that it was available for them to complete, if they so desired.


She also noted that 75% of Officers in the Council are female, and she asked if Officers could break this down further by confirming what percentage of this are in management posts.


The Equality and Engagement Officer confirmed that he would endeavour to obtain this information and pass this onto Members outside of the meeting.


RESOLVED:                       That the Cabinet Equalities Committee received,  considered and noted this report.







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