Agenda item

Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 / Welsh Language Standards


The Corporate Director Resources submitted a report, to update the Cabinet Committee Equalities with information regarding the Compliance Notice received from the Welsh Language Commissioner.


The Equality and Engagement Officer confirmed that the Welsh Government’s Welsh Language Standards (No.1) Regulations came into force last March, following consultation and Standards Investigation undertaken by the Welsh Language Commissioner in 2014.


Appendix A to the report, detailed the standards that had been applied to BCBC, and these standards had been separated in two sets by the Welsh Language Commissioner, as shown in paragraph 4.3 of the report, 168 of which needed to be completed in 6 months with 20 needing to be completed in 12 months.


The Equality and Engagement Officer advised that many of the standards already existed within the Council’s current policy and practice contained in the Welsh Language Scheme 2012-2015.


He then referred to the report’s financial implications, advising that it would be almost impossible from a financial perspective for the Authority to fully comply with the proposed standards, a conservative estimate of which would cost £300k as one off expenditure, with a further £900k recurring spend. He added though, that it was important to note also, that future non-compliance with one or more standards brings with it an organisational risk to the Council, in that any formal complaints that are upheld and which reach the final stage of the investigatory process may potentially bring a financial penalty of up to £5k per standard breach. He further added that it was estimated that the Council would be unable to fulfil 51 of these Standards.


The Chairperson confirmed that a meeting had taken place with the First Minister regarding the Welsh Language Standards, and this would be followed up in writing.


The Equality and Engagement Officer confirmed that when the Implementation Plan had been fully completed, then he would have a better idea of the cost implications associated with compliance of the Standards.


The Deputy Leader added that even if the Authority had resources to spare, then these would be committed to other essential service areas of the Council that urgently required this, rather than be committed to meeting the Welsh Language Standards. Welsh Government needed to consider allocating finance to local authorities to assist in meeting the Standards that were being introduced by them.


The Cabinet Member Resources concluded debate on this item, by stating that the Authority currently committed £1.4m to its Nursery Provision, which was one of many of the Council’s essential services. He felt that this put into perspective the reality which was that most local authorities would find it extremely difficult in meeting all or even the majority of the Welsh Language Standards.


RESOLVED:                 (1)  That the Cabinet Equalities Committee received, considered and noted the report.


                                      (2)  That Members also agreed to write to the First Minister explaining of the difficulty the Authority would have in meeting the requirements of the Welsh Language Standards, due to the present financial climate and the savings that had to be made under its MTFS.       



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