Agenda item

Community Asset Transfer


The Corporate Director - Communities presented a report to the Forum on proposals approved by the Council’s Cabinet in July 2015 to both improve the pace and extend the number of Community Asset Transfers (CAT).  He stated that there had been a number of successful CATs over recent years, which included the former Bridgend Library.


The Corporate Director – Communities stated that in some cases a transfer of an asset to a Community Group or a Town and Community Council offered an opportunity to maintain and preserve valuable community services which may have otherwise been under threat; or alternatively to improve the provision that was already available.  He advised that in March 2015 a task and finish group was established to review the Council’s approach to CAT with the aim of increasing the pace and the number of CATs.  He added that the recommendations which had been approved by Cabinet were as follows:


·         The Council should draw up a list of assets which it was prepared to transfer to the community, taking account of the emerging corporate priorities and MTFS budget reduction requirements and giving an indicative timetable

·         A fixed term dedicated CAT Officer post be created to work with Community Groups/ Organisations to progress CAT applications, providing a single point of contact within the Council

·         The current CAT guidance should be amended in line with the new Welsh Government Best Practice Guide and best practice examples in other authorities, establishing clear roles and responsibilities including and setting out a framework for considering requests for CAT including a 4 stage proves made up of, expression of Interest, development of a business plan, formal assessment of the business plan and completion of the transaction

·         To facilitate CAT, a limited capital funding pot to be created to enable assets to be transferred in a reasonable state of repair and transition revenue funding to be considered, on a case by case basis, subject to a satisfactory business case being made


The Corporate Director – Communities advised that the CAT priorities would be based on the agreed current MTFS proposals and also on what was deemed to be likely to fall out of the future MTFS proposals for 2017/18 onwards.  He added that up to £200,000 would be set aside in the Change Management Ear Marked Reserve to fund a 3 year fixed term dedicated CAT Officer post and to meet additional legal and property requirements.  He further added that if successful, time limited funding should be provided from the Change Management Ear Marked Reserve, subject to a satisfactory business case and affordability.


Members expressed concern around the £50,000 funding from the Capital Programme that supports Town and Community Councils being re-focused to support the CAT.  The Corporate Director – Communities stated that greater collaboration would be needed between the larger and smaller Town and Community Town Councils to be able to mitigate any possible issues.


Members asked if Cemetery’s would be considered as part of the CAT as they generated income.  The Corporate Director – Communities stated that they are not for profit and the intention is for them to break even.  He added that if there was a particular interest from an organisation to take over the transfer of one, then it could be considered if there was a strong business case for it.  Members questioned if there was funding in place to bring the pavilions in the Borough up to standard before a CAT would take place.


The Corporate Director – Communities stated that there was up to £1m Capital Funding available for repairs; however there were 40 pavilions to consider when allocating the funding.  He added that once a CAT would take place there would be an arrangement in place with the relevant body to ensure that they were able to maintain the property going forward.


Members asked if any competency tests would be carried out before a CAT is made.

The Corporate Director – Communities stated that each business case must meet the application criteria that was detailed in appendix 3 and each case would go through an approval process, and would be assessed on its own merits before it would be taken forward and approved by Cabinet.


Members queried the consultation process before a CAT would take place.  The Corporate Director – Communities advised before a CAT would take place it would firstly go through the relevant procedures such as initial support of detailed finance and business plans.  The final stages would be that the business case to be approved by Cabinet before the CAT would take place.  He advised that the consultation would vary for each CAT but assured Members there would be clarity for Town and Community Councils and the public. 


RESOLVED:               That the Town and Community Council Forum noted:


·                     The recommendations at paragraph 4.1

·                     The prioritisation of assets for possible transfer based on     MTFS proposals

·                     The revised CAT Guidance at Appendix 1 for consultation

            The funding proposals

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