Agenda item

To receive announcements from:

 (i) Mayor (or person presiding)

(ii) Members of the Cabinet

(iii) Chief Executive




The Mayor hoped that Members are enjoying the Rugby World Cup as he is and it was fitting that Wales’ recent victory has coincided with a new initiative that is encouraging young people to read and exercise more by presenting every child who borrows a library book during the World Cup with collectable cards featuring a rugby-themed superhero.  The cards were created after pupils from Caerau and Litchard primary schools worked with local illustrator Rianne Rowlands.  With 20 cards to collect in total, the characters range from Prop-er-Sassy, Captain Hooker, Kee-run and Mog the Handsome Scrum Frog.  Swop shops are being set up at local libraries where children can meet to exchange their cards, listen to stories and much more. Details of this very creative scheme and cards could be found by visiting the libraries page on the Council’s website.


The Mayor announced that he was delighted to attend the recent unveiling of Porthcawl’s first Blue Plaque commemorating the area’s historic links with the Dyffryn Llynfi railway line and the South Wales coal industry.  The plaque has been installed at Station Hill as part of a project led by the Porthcawl SHOUT forum which the Council has supported.  He stated that the town of Porthcawl had a long association with the railway, from the coal deliveries that began nearly 200 years ago to the steam trains bringing holidaymakers to the town.  He stated that the Blue Plaque is a fantastic focal point and a reminder of the town’s heritage and he commended the enthusiasm and drive that has been shown by the members of Porthcawl SHOUT to bring this idea to fruition. 


The Mayor thanked everyone who had attended the civic service at Nolton Church and gave special thanks to chaplain Father Comor for conducting the service, and the Ogmore Silver Band and local singing group Harmony for providing music during the ceremony.  He stated that it was a wonderful day and he hoped Members enjoyed the service as much as he and his Consort did.


He also informed Members that this Friday night, he will be hosting a Russian choir at All Saints Church in Porthcawl in aid of the mayoral charity appeal.  Some places are still available and tickets could be obtained from Councillor Marlene Thomas and Mari Major.



Deputy Leader

The Deputy Leader announced that recent figures from the Central South Consortium Joint Committee have demonstrated that schools across the Central South Wales region have risen above the national average in 2015 as a result of the hard work of pupils, parents, teachers and school staff.  He stated that provisional GCSE results for schools in areas that include Bridgend County Borough indicate that the percentage of pupils achieving five GCSE passes at grades A* - C including English/Welsh and mathematics has improved from 47.8 per cent in 2012 to 58.1 per cent in 2015.  Teacher assessment outcomes demonstrate that pupil performance at foundation phase and key stage two has also improved again, taking the region above the national average for both measures.  Key stage three teacher assessment outcomes have also improved faster than the national level of improvement.  Early figures indicate that the gap between children claiming free school meals and their peers has narrowed at every key stage.  He stated that this is very encouraging news and he congratulated pupils, teachers, governors, parents and staff for their hard work.


The Deputy Leader also announced that the Catering Services team has also received some good news with an announcement that they have been presented with official accreditation demonstrating that the authority’s secondary schools are compliant with Healthy Eating in Schools (Nutritional Standards and Requirements) (Wales) Regulations 2013.  He stated that a tremendous amount of complex analysis work has been undertaken by the team and school cooks to be able to achieve this, and the WLGA food in schools coordinator has confirmed that Bridgend is the first authority in Wales to be issued have reached the standards in 2015-16.  It meant that all primary and secondary schools in the County Borough where the Council provides meals are fully compliant with the regulations which are designed to ensure that children receive healthy, nutritious food while at school.  He congratulated the Catering Services staff and school cooks on their achievement. 


The Deputy Leader congratulated Pencoed Primary School for winning an Excellence In Forestry Skills Gold Award, which is a national and prestigious award and it recognises schools that use local woodlands in innovative ways as part of their lessons.  The woodland at Pencoed Primary was planted by pupils 24 years ago, and has grown to become a focal point not just for the pupils, but for the wider community too. 


The Deputy Leader was pleased to announce that three schools had been recognised due to their excellent practice and had become hub schools for the Central South Consortium, which means they will be offering support to schools from across Bridgend, Cardiff, RCT, the Vale of Glamorgan and Merthyr.  Bryntirion Comprehensive has become a specialist school, Olcastle Primary a specialist hub and Cenf Glas Infants has been a Foundation Phase Alliance School and will be holding its first event next week. 


The Deputy Leader informed Members that the proposed industrial action by NUT members over teachers’ pay and conditions at Coleg Cymunedol Y Dderwen has been called off.  He stated that Mr Nick Brain has been appointed as interim head teacher with immediate effect following the departure of head Mr Andrew Warren who has decided to follow other educational interests.  The Deputy Leader stated that he would keep Members updated about efforts to recruit a full-time candidate to the post.


Cabinet Member Communities

The Cabinet Member Communities announced that affordable housing in the Porthcawl area has received a welcome boost recently with the completion of 40 brand new homes at New Road Court.  He stated that this innovative £3.9m development of one and two bed apartments has been built by local construction company Jehu for Wales and West Housing working in partnership with the Welsh Government and Bridgend County Borough Council, and is located in the Newton area.  The first residents are all from the County Borough and have already moved in, and the scheme is a further example of the Council’s ongoing successful partnership with Wales and West Housing.  He stated that high quality developments such as this are making it possible for affordable housing to be provided in Bridgend County Borough, and he looked forward to seeing more schemes of this type.  A Member of Council queried whether this development comprised 49 units of accommodation.  The Deputy Leader informed Council that the development was of a mixed tenure. 


The Cabinet Member Communities announced that work has begun to create an extra rugby pitch, together with a small car park, at the A48 end of Newbridge Fields in Bridgend. The 50-space car park is being built on a patch of land off Bowham Avenue that has recently been used as an unofficial car park for visitors to the fields.  The new free car park will be open at times that pitches have been booked for use and when community events such as the Race For Life are being held, but will be closed at all other times. The pitch is being created to meet demand and the car park will help ease traffic issues with drivers parking in surrounding streets.  Depending on weather and ground conditions, the new facilities should be ready at the end of the month. 


The Cabinet Member Communities was pleased to announce that almost 800 people took part in this year’s Communities First Summer Programme.  Designed to encourage people to participate in activities that promote health and well-being and teach them new skills, the activities included exercise classes, hair and beauty sessions, healthy cooking, creative workshops, the Play for Life and Mini Play for Life schemes, hate crime awareness and much more.  With the age of participants ranging from 19 months to 70 years old, this was a great opportunity to consult with local communities about what sort of activities they would like to see in the future.  It was a big success and he congratulated everyone who had helped deliver the Summer Programme.


Cabinet Member Adult Social Care and Health and Wellbeing

The Cabinet Member Adult Social Care and Health and Wellbeing announced that colleagues in health are urging people across Bridgend County Borough to make early plans for battling the flu virus this winter.  As flu viruses can change each year, new vaccines are developed to combat them and these are now available.  The vaccine is free on the NHS for those who are at the greatest risk, including people aged 65 or over, anyone with a chronic medical condition aged anywhere between six months and 65, people with lowered immunity, pregnant women, all children aged two to seven, carers, anyone who lives in a nursing or residential home, and community first responders. More details are available at


The Cabinet Member Adult Social Care and Health and Wellbeing announced there had also been some excellent news for Porthcawl with the recent announcement that ABMU Health Board, the Council and Natural Resources Wales are teaming up to develop a new Primary Community Health Centre.  Although it is still in the early stages, the proposal involves constructing a three-storey centre at Mallards Reach where the health board is planning to buy three acres of land.  He stated that this a  multi-million pound development which will offer the people of Porthcawl a larger, fit-for-purpose service at a single site which will include an operating theatre for minor injuries, screening services and clinics.  The developer is Assura Group, who specialise in primary health care building projects, and a public consultation is being planned for later this year.  It was currently hoped that a new centre would be open and operational by 2017, and he hoped that local people will take part in the consultation and make their voices heard about this extremely beneficial new project.


The Cabinet Member Adult Social Care and Health and Wellbeing informed Members that a new ‘Ageing well in Bridgend’ survey has been launched after the Older Persons Commissioner for Wales challenged the nation to develop plans that can support people aged 50 and above to live active, healthy and fulfilling lives.  As part of this a local Ageing Well Plan is being developed which will focus on themes including ‘age friendly communities’, ‘falls prevention’, ‘dementia supportive communities’, ‘loneliness and isolation’ and ‘opportunities for learning and employment’.  He stated that the Council intends to engage with older people to see how they use services, how connected they are within their communities and how improvements can be made.  He hoped Members will encourage their constituents to take part by visiting the consultations page of the Council’s website throughout October. 


Cabinet Member Children’s Social Services and Equalities

The Cabinet Member Adult Social Care and Health and Wellbeing announced on behalf of the Cabinet Member Children’s Social Services and Equalitiesthat a new ID card scheme was launched recently to great acclaim that helps young carers in Bridgend County Borough receive the support and understanding they need.  The scheme had been developed as a simple and subtle way of raising awareness of their responsibilities and how they may impact on their lives.  As well as avoiding them having to repeatedly explain their circumstances to teachers and other adults who work with children, the card has been developed to encourage other young carers who may not be known to the Council to come forward and receive support.  He stated that this is a fantastic new initiative and hoped that Members will help spread the word about it within their own communities.


He also announced that the Civic Offices has welcomed a new service which is offering staff and members of the public access to a wide range of domestic abuse support.  The Domestic Abuse Support and Information service will be located at the Assia Suite in the Customer Service Centre and will bring organisations such as the Council, South Wales Police, Probation Service, Victim Support and Calan DVS together as part of a multi-agency hub.  Linking in with Council services such as housing and education, staff at the Assia Suite will be available to provide confidential advice and support on issues ranging from physical, psychological, sexual, emotional and financial abuse, safety planning for victims and their children and more.  The service is intended to be a one-stop-shop and will cater for people who may be experiencing domestic abuse as well anyone who is concerned for the wellbeing of a friend or family member.  The service can be accessed by calling 815919 or asking at reception for the Assia Suite.  An official opening and wider publicity will take place later this year. 


The Cabinet Member Adult Social Care and Health and Wellbeing New announced that rules had come into place on 1 October which has made it illegal to smoke inside any vehicle that is carrying children aged under 18.  The rules apply to both England and Wales and follow a widespread consultation in which more than 86 per cent of participants supported the proposals.  Under the rules, it is now an offence for a person of any age to smoke in a private vehicle when someone under the age of 18 is present, or for a driver, including a provisional driver, not to stop someone smoking in these circumstances.  However, e-cigarettes are exempt.  Statistics suggest that a fifth of residents in Bridgend County Borough are smokers, and the Council has been raising public awareness over the new law in an effort to help reduce health problems caused by exposure to secondary smoke.  More information is available at

Cabinet Member Resources

The Cabinet Member Resources informed Members that the pre-council presentation at the end of October will be on Safeguarding, which will provide Members with an overview of the authority’s Safeguarding Policy, and will ensure that as elected Members and corporate parents, Members are fully aware of the council’s commitment, practices and efforts to protect children, young people and adults.  He stated that forthcoming presentations will look at the Local Transport Plan, the Social Services and Wellbeing Act, and the National Autistic Society.


 The Cabinet Member Resources informed that a workshop on the Medium Term Financial Strategy will be held on Tuesday 13th October 2015, which will include an overview of the Corporate Priorities as well as the MTFS Strategy.  Members will be able to participate in an interactive survey and a question and answer session.  He hoped that that as many Members as possible will attend, details of the session have already been scheduled into calendars. 


He thanked all Members who have submitted their annual reports and Personal Development Reviews.  All of the annual reports received to date have been formatted and published on the Council’s website.  He also reminded Members that the Council has been requested by the Minister for Public Services, Leighton Andrews to provide information on the number of completed annual reports by 14th October 2015. 


The Cabinet Member Resources announced that tomorrow would be the last opportunity for Members to express their opinions on the Wales Audit Office Corporate Assessment. 


Cabinet Member Regeneration and Economic Development   

The Cabinet Member Regeneration and Economic Development announced that Members will have seen that the Rhiw multi storey has now closed so that it can be demolished to enable work to begin on an all-new modern car park, 28 affordable apartments and a commercial unit suitable for a shop, café or restaurant.  This landmark £9m development is one of the most significant regeneration projects undertaken to date in Bridgend town centre and aims to create a community living within the heart of the town who will support local shops.  The project is part of the Vibrant and Viable Places programme, which will also convert unused space above existing premises into new accommodation.  The start of work has been signalled with the launch of a new ‘Free after 3pm’ initiative which is being trialled throughout October and November at Council-run car parks in Brackla Street, Tremains Road, Tondu Road and Cheapside.  With privately-run town centre car parks also available at Derwen Road, Nolton Street and the Embassy, the Council and its partners are making every effort to ensure that visitors can continue to park easily and conveniently during construction work, and alternative arrangements are being heavily promoted in press and radio and across the web and social media.  He stated that the new car park is set to open by October next year and the flats and new shop ready by the following March and he would bring further updates as the work develops.


He announced that residents, visitors and businesses had recently been invited to find out more about the new cycle route and bicycle hire centre that is set to be developed along the seafront in Porthcawl in time for the 2016 summer holidays.  A series of exhibitions have revealed plans for the 4km route, which will use the lower promenade between the Seabank Hotel and the RNLI Station before passing the marina and following the Eastern Promenade.  It will then travel along New Road and across the Sandy Bay Caravan Park before finishing at Trecco Bay Holiday Park. Feedback from the exhibitions is currently being collated and he was looking forward to seeing the results.  As well as being a visitor attraction the new route will encourage active travel for people moving between home, school and work.  The project is being delivered by the Council in partnership with the Bridgend Tourism Association and the Coastal Communities Fund. 


The Cabinet Member Regeneration and Economic Development announced that the deadline for taking part in the Active Travel consultation is Friday 23 October, and full details are available at the consultation page of



The Chief Executive announced that the Awen Cultural trust had gone live on 1 October 2015


He also announced that public consultation over the council’s future corporate priorities and budget plans was now underway and will run until 22 November.  The consultation has had a promising start with almost 100 people completing the online questionnaire within the first few days of it going live.  The consultation is being heavily publicised in the press and radio, online and across social media, including a short video which has been made available on You Tube.  The You Tube clip was played for Members to enable them to see at first hand the content of the video.  He stated that a series of community events would be held throughout the area over the next two months.  Exhibition stands would also be set up at local supermarkets and in town centres, and together with Directors he will be holding question and answer sessions about the budget and corporate priorities on Twitter and Facebook.


The Chief Executive stated that this consultation had been made available in a number of different ways in order to encourage as many people as possible to have their say; share their views and help the Council make informed decisions as it sought to deliver a balanced budget and move forward.  He also stated that it was important that local communities, businesses and organisations play a part in this process and help the Council to shape the future of the County Borough.  He hoped that Members will encourage their constituents to participate in the consultation.  As an incentive, everyone who completes the online survey will receive a free seven-day pass to a Halo leisure centre plus a chance to win a full year’s free membership.  Full details of the community events, exhibition stands and social media debates are available on the Council’s website.  The consultation questionnaire can also be found at and residents can request hard copies by visiting libraries, emailing or calling 01656 643664, alternative formats are available on request.