Agenda item

Capital Programme 2015-16 to 2024-25


The Corporate Director Resources sought approval for a revised capital programme 2015-16 to 2024-25. 


She informed Council that it had approved a capital programme for 2024-25 in February 2015 of £153,014m, which was subsequently revised by Council at its meeting in July 2015 to reflect funding changes to some schemes, slippage from 2014-15, additional external funding approvals and changes to expenditure profiles.  The Corporate Director Resources highlighted changes to the programme to reflect further funding changes, additional external funding approvals and changes to expenditure profiles since July 2015.   


The Corporate Director Resources reported that the Council had been rigorously pursuing an enhanced disposal strategy over the past eighteen months and as at 31 March 2015 held capital receipts of £14.5m and of this figure £1m arose from the disposal of school sites earmarked for the 21st Century Schools Programme.  A further £5.3m was supporting commitments already in the capital programme leaving £8.2m available to support the Council’s capital investment requirements. 


The Corporate Director Resources also reported that in addition to the £8.2m capital receipts available now more are forecast in the current financial year, with the target being £6m for 2015-16, of this £2m is for the 21st Century Schools Programme.  As part of the review of the MTFS it would also identify and prioritise investment pressures against the available capital receipts that have been realised up to January 2016 for inclusion in the MTFS.  Decisions were needed in the meantime before February 2016 on a number of schemes that meet the Council’s proposed new corporate priorities in relation to rationalising the Administrative Estate, by committing investment to agile working and improvements to the external envelope of the Civic Offices.  The total capital investment needed to deliver agile working was estimated (subject to procurement) to be £1.217m, however no capital expenditure would be incurred until a tenant for the whole of the Raven’s Court building had been secured.  The total estimated cost of works to the external envelope of Civic Offices (subject to procurement and detailed feasibility) to replace the roof and windows, repair the parapets and clean/protect the stonework is £2.55m, including fees and a 10% contingency. 


The Corporate Director Resources also reported on the requirements of the 21st Century Schools Programme in relation to the amalgamation of the Mynydd Cynffig and Junior Schools in that there is £4.5m built into the capital programme.  The Corporate Director resources informed Council that the Welsh Government had committed to fund 50% (£22.475m) of the total cost of the 21st Century Schools Programme with the Council meeting the remaining 50%, this being met from core allocations of £5m, anticipated Section 106 funding of £4m and projected receipts from the sale of school and other sites of £13.475m.  She stated following a review of the receipts likely to be realised from the sale of school sites it was estimated that there would be a match funding shortfall of around £1.1m.  There was also a risk of further shortfalls should potential planning consent conditions negatively impact on the sale receipts currently agreed on the larger residential development sites.  She stated that a commitment had been given to the Welsh Government that the Council would match the funding requirement for the 21st Century Schools Programme.  She further stated that it would be prudent to provide budgetary cover for the current estimated shortfall in the capital programme to enable the programme to progress.


The Corporate Director Resources reported that in relation to the Coety Primary School there had been an increase in the cost of the scheme of £560k, due to additional works that were not included in the contract, including works required as part of planning conditions and work necessitated by ground conditions.  It was proposed that the additional scheme costs are met from the additional Section 106 payments, leaving £500k Section 106 funding also to be used on the scheme in place of the equivalent level of Welsh Government funding.  In turn the displaced Welsh Government funding will be moved across to another scheme under the 21st Century Schools Programme. 


The Corporate Director Resources also reported that the MTFS review of capital pressures will assess whether the level of funding was likely to meet the interest in Community Asset Transfer as well as funding requests for projects traditionally supported by the Fund. 


The Corporate Director Resources informed Council that funding was required by the Fleet Service to acquire vehicles on behalf of Directorates and approval had been given under Delegated powers to purchase four replacement specially adapted vehicles for adult social services £204k and a gritter and tipper trucks for highways £79k. 


The Corporate Director Resources also reported that it was proposed to use the balance of £87k from the replacement site escrow account in respect of Bridgend Football Club to be used towards improved sporting facilities within the County Borough. 


A member of Council requested that consideration be given to improving disabled access to Civic Offices particularly wheelchair accessibility to the Council Chamber and Committee Rooms and from the basement car park to the reception area.  The Corporate Director Resources informed Council that design work was underway to implement disabled toilets and touch pad doors in the Civic Offices.  She had also requested that the business case ensure that the building is DDA compliant.


A member of Council referred to the agile working investment and requested an assurance there was sufficient resource with the ICT Department to support this project.  The Corporate Director Resources informed Council that there would be no bid for recurrent growth in the ICT staffing budget to support the agile working project and that different ways of working were being looked at.  She stated that there are already a number of vacancies within the ICT Department.


RESOLVED:               That the revised Capital Programme be approved.                                         







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