Agenda item

Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance


The Group Manager Development presented the report of the Corporate Director Communities on the outcome of the consultation exercise on the draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Guidance (SPG) document and sought endorsement of the proposed amendments to the draft document and adoption of the amended version as SPG to the Bridgend Local Development Plan. 


He reported that the Development Control Committee at its meeting on 3 September 2015 considered representations received during public consultation, endorsed the reasoned responses, decisions and changes to the draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance and recommended that Council adopts SPG13 – Affordable Housing as Supplementary Planning Guidance to the adopted Bridgend Local Development Plan. 


The Group Manager Development reported that following a 6 week period of public consultation three individuals and external organisations had submitted comments on the draft SPG.  He stated that responses to those representations had been included in the Consultation Report and he summarised the main areas of change in the document arising from the consultation. 


A member of Council requested clarification as to how the percentages had been arrived at for the provision of affordable housing Market Area targets and how the percentage for affordable housing had been arrived at in a recent housing development in Newton.  The Group Manager Development informed Council that the development in Newton was funded entirely by a Registered Social Landlord and there was no contribution required for affordable housing.  Other development in Porthcawl would be subject to a 30% contribution to affordable housing.  The Deputy Leader informed Council that he had recently visited that development and he was pleased that all the residents accommodated within the development are from the County Borough, many of whom had seen their lives transformed.  The Cabinet Member Adult Social Care and Wellbeing commented that the percentage targets varied due to the attractiveness of areas for developers. 


The Cabinet Member Communities in commending the Supplementary Planning Guidance and that housing development was subject to a Housing needs Assessment to determine where there is need.  


A member of Council requested that Brackla be listed in the areas showing Housing Sub Markets in Appendix A.         


A member of Council commented on the sustainability of the 30% target for affordable housing in rural areas and the need for consideration to be given to develop housing near to amenities such as bus routes, railway stations and to shops as people living in rural locations could have difficulty in accessing any of these amenities.  The Group Manager Development informed Council that all housing has to be sustainable and there was a general presumption against development in the countryside.  He stated that the same principle was adopted for affordable housing as with all housing.  The SPG and LDP does allow provision of affordable off site or to be pooled elsewhere. 


RESOLVED:               That Council:


(1)  Considered the representations received and endorsed the suggested reasoned responses, decisions and changes to the draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Guidance;


(2)  Adopted SPG 13 – Affordable Housing (as amended) as Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) to the adopted Bridgend Local Development Plan.    



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