Agenda item

Overview of Services to Young Carers in Bridgend


The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing submitted a report, that provided the Cabinet Committee with an overview of the current service provision for Young Carers in Bridgend.


The Group Manager Disability, Transition and Case Management, advised that acarer was defined in the Carers Strategy (Wales) Measure 2010 as an individual, whether an adult or a child, who provides or intends to provide a substantial amount of care on a regular basis for:-


a)    A child who is disabled within the meaning of part 3 of the Children Act 1989, or

b)    An individual aged 18 or over


According to Carers Wales research, there are currently over 369,186 unpaid Carers in Wales with 17,855, in Bridgend. This is an increase of 10% since the previous census figure which was 16,164. Carers in Wales save the economy £7.72 billion per annum which is more than it costs to run the NHS. The NHS and Social Services rely on the willingness and ability of carers to provide support to people with health and social needs. The cost of replacing this care has been estimated at £7.72 billion each year. The 2011 Census identified 1372 Young Carers in Bridgend. (Carers UK, 2011).

She explained that a Young Carer is someone aged under 18 years old who takes responsibility for someone who is disabled, elderly, experiencing mental distress or affected by substance misuse, or has substantial responsibility for caring for a sibling (ABMU Carers Strategy 2013-2016).

The report included information illustrating the number of children who are carers in the Bridgend area based on the 2001 and 2011 Census data information, ie with there being 509 in 2001 and 1,372 in 2011. She added that obviously there were more carers than this total suggested that the Authority weren’t aware of, as they had not made themselves known for whatever reason that they were carrying out such a support role.

In terms of Local Support for Young Carers, a Carers Strategy for Bridgend County Borough has been developed by the Bridgend Carers Forum in partnership with statutory and non-statutory organisations and was reported to Cabinet in April 2010.    Young Carers were also specifically mentioned in page 12 of the ABMU Carers Strategy, highlighting their specific needs.

The Head of Strategy, Commissioning and Partnerships then referred to the Carer Strategy (Wales) Measure 2010. This enabled the National Assembly of Wales to introduce legal duties on the NHS (lead organisation) and Local Authorities in Wales to work together and, in consultation with Carers, to prepare, publish and implement a joint Carers Information and Consultation Strategy. The Measure is not targeted at specific age groups but encompasses Carers of all ages including Young Carers (under the age of 18) and Young Adult Carers (aged 18 – 25 years).

Guidance issued by Welsh Government in relation to the Information and Consultation Strategy, specifically seeks to ensure that which was outlined in paragraph 4.3 of the report.

Paragraph 4.7 of the report then referred to some of the work that had been achieved through funding streams available under the Carers Measure, and that in October 2013, a Carers Co-ordinator for both Adult and Children’s services was appointed, and a component of the role of this, was for the development of services for Young Carers. The next section of the report expanded upon some of the work this Officer had undertaken.

Paragraph 4.14 of the report then gave details regarding the appointment in July 2014 of a Young Carers Co-ordinator, and this part of the report gave an overview of service provision for Young Carers and Young Adult Carers within the County Borough (to date).

The Group Manager, Disability,Transition and Case Management concluded her submission by referring to the reports financial implications which confirmed that funding for the posts referred to would expire at the end of March 2016.

The Chairperson confirmed that he had attended the launch of the Young Carer’s ID Card which had been an excellent event, as invitees were able to discuss and implement some of these young people’s recommendations and suggestions.

A Member noted that sessions had been delivered to schools in relation to the matter subject of the report, and sought clarification if this had been delivered in primary and comprehensive schools across the County Borough.

The Group Manager, Disability, Transition and Case Management explained that this had been delivered in comprehensive schools, though the intention was to also roll this out to primary schools.

The Chairperson added that those Members who were also School Governors could arrange with teaching staff at schools there were governors at, to introduce such sessions if they had not already taken place at that particular school.

Members were unanimously in favour of looking for a funding stream that could continue in order to extend the Contract of the Carer’s Co-ordinator post.

The Chairperson further asked if all the actions included in the Action Plan that supported the Carers Strategy had now been completed.

The Group Manager Disability, Transition and Case Management confirmed that she would obtain information regarding this request and feed this back to the Deputy Leader outside of the meeting.

The Chairperson also suggested that events for Young Carers be set-up in order to discuss and make known their achievements.

The Group Manager Disability, Transition and Case Management replied that she would take this suggestion up with the Action for Children Group and the Carers Centre.

RESOLVED:                         (1)           That the Corporate Parenting Cabinet Committee noted the report.

                                              (2)           That the Committee receives a further report within 6 – 12 months time, giving an update on the services to Young Carers in Bridgend to include resource implications relating to the support of the services by BCBC











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