Agenda item

Fee Increase


The Group Manager Development updated the Committee on the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications and Site Visits) (Wales) Regulations 2015 that came onto effect on the 1 October 2015.  He explained that the Planning application fees were set nationally by Welsh Government and the increase provided an average of 15% across the board which was the first since 2009.  He added that planning fees in England were similarly increased in 2012, and based on the average fee income over the last 5 years, the increase equates to around £79,000 per annum to Bridgend.  The Minister had written to all local authorities indicating that the fee increase should be used to improve their planning services.


The Group Manager Development welcomed the increase in fee income, however, he stated that notwithstanding the Minister’s expectations the planning fee increase will help to stem a further reduction in service levels as part of the medium term financial strategy and unfortunately would not be used to improve existing services.  He added that whilst the importance placed on the planning function was encouraging, the new fees regulations also included a provision (Regulation 9) that required local planning authorities to refund planning fees if applications are not determined within a certain timescale and where agreement could not be reached on extending the time period.  He added that the regulation would also apply to applications that were awaiting the completion of a legal agreement which, through no fault of the local planning authority, may be delayed.  Planning fees for major schemes could run into many thousands of pounds. 


The Group Manager Development stated that there was concern that introducing the principle in the planning process would place increased emphasis on speed of determination rather than focusing on the quality of a decision and outcomes.  He added that this would result in greater pressures on the planning service in Bridgend in terms of performance, particularly as the planning service had already reduced by almost a half over the last 6 years due to budget cuts.  He advised Committee that if the provision had already been in place this current year, the planning department would have had to refund £26,640 back in application fees, which is the salary of a senior planning officer.


The Group Manager Development stated that Regulation 9 would apply to all planning applications submitted after the 1 October 2015.  He added that whilst the vast majority of applications submitted to Bridgend are determined well within timescales, delays do occur for a number of reasons.  He further added that Officers would continue to monitor determination dates to ensure that where necessary an extension of time to determine would be sought and agreed with the applicant.  In a case where no agreement is able to be reached then the risk of refunding application fees would inevitably increase.  In the case of applications that are deferred at Committee it may be necessary to consider reconvening the meeting or holding a separate meeting out of the normal Committee cycle to ensure timescales are met.


The Group Manager Development concluded that the Leader had responded to the Minister’s letter expressing concern over the introduction of Regulation 9 and requesting information or evidence as to why this approach had been adopted and how it would improve the planning process.  He added he would inform the Committee if or when a response was received.


RESOLVED:               The Committee noted the report



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