Agenda item

Shopmobility Scheme


The Traffic and Transportation Manager presented a report which updated the Town and Community Council Forum on the operation of the Shopmobility Scheme in Bridgend Town Centre.  He advised that contrary to recent press reports that it was not the intention of the Council to cease the shopmobility service when the Vibrant and Viable Places regeneration of Bridgend Town Centre was commenced.


He explained that the Shopmobility scheme was operated by Bridgend County Borough Council from the Rhiw multi storey car park.  The service provided mobility devices to members of the public who needed help with their mobility when visiting the town centre. To utilise the Shopmobility facilities customers were required to join the scheme for which there was no charge. Once registered, customers tendered a £2 deposit for the use of the apparatus and on its return the £2 deposit was refunded if requested.


The service received a donation of £10,000 from Bridgend Town Council but still had a projected shortfall of £6,994 which was subsidised by Bridgend County Borough Council. There were various costs associated with the facility which included; the office space, rates and utilities, IT and management and support, all of which were absorbed in the Car Park management costs. Some staff costs were also not apparent, for example when staff were absent due to sickness or annual leave, or on Saturdays when the actual shopmobility staff did not work, their shifts were covered by Council Staff from other areas within the Communities Directorate.

In order to reduce the ongoing financial deficit and subsidies, various options are being considered as to how the service could become more sustainable. Suggestions included:


·                     Potential to introduce a member registration fee

·                     Introduce a charge for equipment hire

·                     Seek contributions from other local town and community councils

·                     Seek external involvement to provide and develop the scheme

·                     Seek other service providers to deliver mobility and other services.


It was explained that within Bridgend Town Centre there are aspirations to regenerate the area around the Rhiw Car Park.  Following the recent approval by the Welsh Government of the Council’s Vibrant and Viable Places Grant proposals it is anticipated that the existing Rhiw multi-storey car park will be demolished and the site redeveloped. This will have significant implications for the Shopmobility Scheme both during the construction period and with regard to the development of a new car park.  The impact of such changes needed to be considered within the timing of changes to the shopmobility provision.  Any new or revised Shopmobility Scheme will need to be either designed into the new car park or sited elsewhere.  This was particularly important if external providers were to be included in the provision of this service. 


Members welcomed the news that the Shopmobility scheme would be continuing and requested clarification that the proposals to develop other contributions to fund the scheme be discussed with a range of stakeholders including all Town and Community Councils.  He suggested that a survey be carried out identifying where within the Borough of Bridgend the services users lived so that a picture of where contributions could be forthcoming.


Some members were concerned that contributions from other Town and Community Councils would be considered another blow to traders in their own areas. This funding would be seen as councils funding constituents not to use their local businesses. It was suggested that a small increase in the business rates or a subsidy from the Bridgend town centre traders be considered as an alternative.


The Chairperson advised that Bridgend town centre traders were involved in discussions regarding the vibrant and viable places redevelopment and the provision of the shopmobility service.  He added that the business rates were set by the Welsh Government who received the income from those rates.  It was hoped that the responsibility for business rates would be devolved to Local Authorities in the future.

Members indicated that some Town and Community Council made contributions to the Shop Mobility Scheme but were unsure if this was still the case.  The Chairperson advised that he would write to all Councils requesting if they would be willing to contribute to the scheme.


RESOLVED:              That the Forum noted the content of the report.



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