Agenda item

Remodelling Learning Disability Services



Sue Cooper – Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing

Councillor Philip White – Cabinet Member Adult Social Care and Health and Wellbeing

Mark Wilkinson – Group Manager – Disability and Transition



The Head of Adult Social Care gave a brief introduction to the report in respect of the above matter, the purpose of which, was to provide the Committee with an update on the remodelling of learning disability services, as part of the wider remodelling Adult Social Care programme.


The Group Manager – Disability and Transition gave some background information with regard to the report, reminding Members that a previous report was considered in September 2014 explaining how the plans to reconfigure learning disability services were developing. Subsequently, and as approved by Cabinet, a number of work streams were established as part of the Development Plan for the services. Appendix 1 to the report outlined these work streams.


He then explained that a Learning Disability Service Development project had been in operation since 2012, and paragraph 4.1 of the report gave a resume on the above work streams, some of which were completed and some of which were work in progress. The elements of these were as follows:-


·        Develop of a Social Enterprise

      (For B’Leaf and Wood B)

      (Exploring further ESF funding)


·         Resettlement of Maesglas and review of the In-House Supported Living Service

(Review of staff and management arrangements in supported living)

(Agree and complete the Maesglas Plan)


·      Development of the Learning Disability aspect of the ‘New Framework of  Assessments’

(Development of Costed Care Plans)

(Development of a Transition Service Model)


·         Development of a progression Model in Accommodation Services

            (Ensure compliance with Supporting People Grant Regulations)

            (Develop Core and Cluster Service Models)


·         Development of Community based Opportunities and Support Systems

(Develop Community Hubs)

(Develop Volunteering Opportunities)


·         Design and Commission an Asset based Model of Support in the Community

(Re-tender of Supported Living Contracts)


·         Develop the use of Bridgend Resource Centre

(Review of Day Service Staff and Management Structures)

(Operate the building on a Commercial Basis)


          In respect of the Western Bay Learning Disability Project, the Group Manager –  Disability and Transition confirmed that the project had benefited from considerable input from Officers of the Council, and paragraph 4.2.1 outlined the work streams that made up this Project.


         He then expanded upon a Strategy being developed to progress Prevention and Wellbeing services, which enable people to live independently in the community, and to this end, something which was advocated under the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014. Arising from this, a local community co-ordinator had been introduced based in the Llynfi Valley who provided support to individuals, and who engages in the development of community networks and support systems to help people to remain independent and live at home. Further such posts would be introduced to provide further support, advice and assistance for vulnerable people in communities, and take forward further progress being made in prevention and wellbeing work he added.


         With regard to consultation with people with a learning disability and their families, the Group Manager – Disability and Transition confirmed that as part of the Learning Disability Project Plan, there were a number of ways in which the Council was consulting with individuals such as these, and examples of this were outlined in paragraph 4.4 of the report.


          He then outlined the next phase of the Learning Disability Service Development Plan, and taking into account the developments and progress outlined above, it was proposed that the Plan be updated with the projects and work streams detailed in paragraph 4.5.1 of the report. A chart showing these proposals was included at Appendix 2 to the report.


         The Group Manager – Disability and Transition culminated his submission, by confirming that the above proposals as expanded upon within the report, were discussed at the Remodelling Adult Social Care Programme Board in September 2015, and the new arrangements will now be taken forward. In order to illustrate how the work has impacted upon individuals and their lives, case studies were shown at Appendix 3 to the report.


         As part of this item, Members were also shown a short video that reflected upon the impact that Local Community Co-ordination in Bridgend has had on certain individuals lives, giving examples of activities that these people have had the opportunity to be involved in.


         The Chairperson referred to page 19 of the report, paragraph 3.3, and of the decision made to recommission external elements of the Supported Living Service. He asked Invitees to expand a little on this.


         The Group Manager – Disability and Transition confirmed that this Contract had gone out to Tender, and the closing date for receipt of these, was Friday 13 November 2015. Considerable interest had been shown in this by various companies, and a further report outlining the successful tenderer would be presented to Cabinet in due course.


         A Member commended the work that was ongoing, and encouraged the use of Drop-In type Centres for people with learning disabilities. She was aware that there were two of these centres in Bridgend and Maesteg, and asked if there were any further such centres throughout the County Borough.


         The Group Manager – Disability and Transition confirmed that there were 3 other centres in Pyle, Sarn and a second one in the Bridgend town centre. He added that the Drop-In Centres and other work being undertaken had made a difference to people’s lives, however, further work would be carried out as part of the Business Case, where partnership work would be increased in order to progress and increase the development of these services.


          A Member noted from page 20 of the report, that the Maesglas Registered Care  Home had been closed, with the residents formerly there now living as tenants in their own home as part of the Supported Living Service. He asked if these residents were still living in the Maesteg area, as most of these individuals were originally from Maesteg and had family there.


         The Group Manager – Disability and Transition confirmed that the residents had been re-located to a very good central point in Maesteg behind Asda. The local authority had worked with V2c to ensure these people remained in the locality from which they originated.


         A Member referred to page 22 of the report, and the 2 Learning Disability Social groups that had been established in Porthcawl and Cefn Cribwr, and asked if there were any plans to set-up similar such groups in other areas of the County Borough


         The Group Manager – Disability and Transition confirmed that there were plans to expand these groups in other areas of the County Borough.


         A Member noted from page 24 of the report, that two more posts of local community co-ordinators would be employed to work in the Ogmore and Garw Valley areas. She asked when these people would take up their posts.


         The Group Manager – Disability and Transition confirmed that they would fill these roles in the new year, and would assist in building on the work done to date, mainly in respect of taking further forward Local Community Co-ordination Projects.


         As this concluded the business for which the Invitees had been invited to the meeting for, the Chairperson thanked them for attending and responding to members questions, following which they retired from the meeting.



Conclusions:                         The Committee noted the report, which provided Members with an update on the remodelling of learning disability services.


·         Members thanked the Officers for the report, and for the video they presented showing feedback from service users.

·         Members asked where people who have been moved from the former Maesglas registered care home had been moved to, and whether they were happy with their new location.  The Officer responded that the new location was in Maesteg, and that no one had been moved to anywhere they did not want to go to.

·         Members asked how much money is being saved by right-sizing services.  The Officer said that this is being monitored and that information on savings could be sent to the Committee.

·         Members stressed the need for all learning difficulties services to be closely monitored and scrutinised.


Further Information requested

           The Committee requested information on savings realised by right-sizing services.


Supporting documents: