Agenda item

Inspire 2 Achieve and Inspire 2 Work - A European Funded Operation Between Regional Partners - Blaenau Gwent CBC (Lead Beneficiary) and Bridgend CBC (Joint Beneficiary

To seek approval from Cabinet to deliver a joint regional project with Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council funded through the European Social Fund (ESF) under Priority 3 – Youth Employment and Attainment.



The Corporate Director Education and Transformation sought approval to deliver a joint regional project with Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council funded through the European Social Fund (ESF) under Priority 3 – Youth Employment and Attainment. 


The Corporate Director Education and Transformation reported there are 2 strands to the proposal, namely Inspire 2 Achieve and Inspire 2 Work.  Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council is the Lead Beneficiary for both strands of the operation; however, due to the nature of the work being developed under each proposal, the joint beneficiaries differ.  She stated that both Inspire operations have been developed to align with the work already implemented within each authority under the Welsh Government Youth Engagement and Progression Framework (YE&PF), which supports the identification, tracking and mapping of services and outcomes for young people from education into employment.  This alignment will ensure a consistent approach when supporting young people at risk of becoming Not in Employment Education or Training (NEET).  


The Corporate Director Education and Transformation reported that the proposal for Inspire 2 Achieve (I2A) is to seek a three year operation, to contribute to ESF Priority 3 Youth Employment and Attainment.  The specific objective is to reduce the number of young people aged 11- 24 at risk of becoming Not in Employment Education or Training (NEET).  Inspire 2 Achieve is designed to identify and address the needs of those most at risk of disengagement, and support them to reintegrate into mainstream education provision or alternative curriculum models.  The operation will target early intervention for those most at risk across the 11 – 24 year old age range and aim to work with a total of 1110 participants.  She stated that the proposal is for as combined team of 5 full time staff to be employed solely through ESF grant funding. 


The Corporate Director Education and Transformation reported that the proposal for Inspire 2 Work (I2W) is to seek a three year operation, to contribute to ESF Priority 3 Youth Employment and Attainment.  The specific objective is to reduce the number of 16 – 24 year olds who are NEET.  I2W is designed to identify and address the needs of NEET 16 -24 year olds and bring about their sustainable integration into the labour market, thereby contributing to a reduction in youth unemployment.  Over the course of the operation, the proposal is to work with a total of 375 participants.  She stated that the proposal is for as combined team of 5 full time staff to be employed solely through ESF grant funding. 


The Corporate Director Education and Transformation reported that project costs for the additional staff would be fully funded through the European Social Fund; however there would also be contributions made to the salaries of a number of existing staff involved with the management of the two operations and associated staff, for the duration of the project. 


The Deputy Leader in commending the proposal stated that it would target resources towards assisting people in vulnerable groups.  The cabinet Member Communities stated that this was another example of the Council working in partnership across the region in tackling poverty. 


RESOLVED:               That Cabinet authorised the Corporate Director, Education                                      and Transformation to continue with the proposed delivery plan                          for the Inspire operations in Bridgend, and in consultation with                                   the Corporate Director, Resources and Assistant Chief                                            Executive Legal and Regulatory Services, to enter into the                                      necessary agreements with Blaenau Gwent County Borough                            Council (Lead Beneficiary) and Welsh European Funding                                               Office (WEFO) on behalf of the Council.   




Supporting documents: