Agenda item

To receive the report of the Leader


The Leader announced that Members will have seen the terrible news earlier this week concerning job losses at Tata Steel in Neath Port Talbot. This move is going to have a serious impact on communities up and down the coast, with the impact on Bridgend County Borough likely to be substantial.  He stated Tata had confirmed in November that there were 596 employees working in their Port Talbot plant whose home addresses had Bridgend County Borough post code areas.


The Leader informed Members that the Council has been in touch with local government colleagues in preparation for a task force meeting that the Economy Minister Edwina Hart has called today.  Whilst progress that the task force can make is awaited, the Council has pledged whatever practical support it can offer to workers who have been affected by this decision.


The Leader stated that there is also a wider issue to consider, and as such he had written to the Prime Minister David Cameron calling on urgent interaction from the UK Government.


He informed Members that the fact of the matter is that Tata Steel is one of Wales’ most significant employers, and has a total economic impact of £3.2 billion.  More than 10,000 full time equivalent jobs are supported off-site in the Tata supply chain, and it attracts inter-regional export revenues of more than £2 billion for Wales.  Any disruption in the manufacturing of steel will have a major effect on small-to-medium sized businesses with supply links into Port Talbot.  Urgent action was called for to ensure that the UK steel industry is not unfairly disadvantaged on the international markets.


The Leader stated that when the banking sector collapsed in 2008, the UK Government stepped in with decisive action and while some of those actions divided opinion, it was true to say that the City of London was thriving again within five years.  He informed Members that the steel industry deserves no less than the banking industry.


The Leader informed Members that he would be making a media statement to this effect later today, and will also be writing to the Prime Minister to urge him to consider this and impress upon his Ministers and Government colleagues just how important this situation really is.


The Leader reminded Members that the consultation on changes that need to be made as to how Bridgend County Borough Council collects refuse and recycling in the future will close on 8th February.  He stated that the changes are necessary as the current kerbside collection system needs to be upgraded so it can recycle more waste and avoid financial penalties for not meeting the Welsh Government’s new statutory recycling targets.  The current target is 58%, but this will increase to 64% in 2019-20, then 70% in 2024-25.  If the target of 64% is missed even by just 1%, the Council will be issued with a penalty of around £100,000.


The Leader stated that it for this reason the system has to change, and why the Council is consulting on things like altering how often black bags are collected, introducing nappy recycling, providing householders with fresh equipment to maximise recycling and minimise inconvenience, and more besides.  He informed Members that some tough decisions are called for, and the Council would like as many people as possible to have their say so a final scheme can be developed.  To date, around 1400 completed responses and it was hoped there would be more than 2,000 by the end of the consultation.  He urged Members to encourage as many of their constituents as possible to take part, by visiting the consultation pages of the corporate website by calling the consultation team on 643664 or by emailing them at


The Leader informed Members they may be aware that Councillor Jeff Tildesley is currently receiving treatment at the Princess of Wales Hospital and he was sure Members would like to send him their best wishes for a speedy recovery.