Agenda item

Looked After Children Deprivation Grant


The Group Manager School Improvement reported on the support being delivered to improve the educational performance of looked after children.  She stated that across Bridgend, there is an improving trend in GCSE performance at grades A* - G for looked after children and in 2014/15 no looked after children left education at the age of 16 without a qualification.  However, the proportion of grades above C is still too low and is therefore an area in need of improvement.  She stated that setting targets for cohorts of looked after children is problematic across Wales, given the variable nature of the looked after children population and the relatively small cohort sizes at local authority level.  She informed the Committee that the Welsh Government has set a national target in the educational achievement of 15 year olds at Key Stage 4 of the Level 2 from 17% in 2014 to 25% in 2016. 


The Corporate Director Education and Transformation informed the Committee that the authority is amongst the best performing local authorities in Wales for looked after children gaining GCSEs, however there remained a big gap in performance in educational attainment between looked after children and children who are not looked after. 


The Group Manager School Improvement informed the Committee of the multi-level approach to supporting and targeting the educational performance of looked after children, which is a priority in the Directorate’s business plan.  Each school had a designated teacher with responsibility to monitor and promote the education of looked after children.  Designated teachers work closely with the Looked After Children in Education (LACE) Team.  The plan is to develop capacity in schools and build on good practice across the five local authorities in the Consortium. 


The Group Manager School Improvement informed the Committee of the change in the allocation of the Pupil Deprivation Grant for looked after children, which was now administered by the Consortium and not schools to facilitate more strategic working.  It was intended that Pupil Deprivation Grant for looked after children would be used to support interventions and practices that are proven to have the greatest impact and sustainability in raising the attainment of looked after children.  The Group Manager School Improvement highlighted a list of schools that were successful in obtaining Pupil Deprivation Grant for looked after children in 2015/16.  In response to a question from the Committee, the Group Manager School Improvement stated that schools outside Bridgend had qualified for Pupil Deprivation Grant where they provide education for Bridgend looked after children who are educated out of county as they possess the specialist facilities to do so.   


The Group Manager School Improvement informed the Committee that the authority had commissioned Thrive through Pupil Deprivation Grant to provide training to a member of staff in each secondary and special school and a member of staff from each cluster in order to support looked after children within their schools and within their cluster.  She stated that the main objective of Thrive is to support children’s engagement and progress in learning so that they are ready for school, willing to join in, curious and keen to learn. 


The Group Manager School Improvement informed the Committee that a virtual head teacher would be appointed to promote the educational achievement of all looked after children.  Those children would be on a ‘virtual school roll’ even though they attend schools across and borough.  The virtual head teacher will have the specialist knowledge to provide extra support to designated teachers.  She stated the authority intends to appoint a part-time virtual head teacher and to develop a virtual school for looked after children, funded from Pupil Deprivation Grant. 


The Group Manager School Improvement highlighted 3 separate case studies which demonstrated local authority support for looked after children.  The Committee commented on the positive impact which the LACE Team has had on achieving successful outcomes in the case studies reported for children who were formerly looked after.


RESOLVED:           That the report be noted. 

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