Agenda item

Draft Internal Audit Strategy and Annual Risk Based Audit Plan April 2016 to March 2017


The Chief Internal Auditor presented the Council’s draft Internal Audit Strategy and draft Annual Risk Based Audit Plan for the year April 2016 to March 2017. 


She stated that the Plan provided for 1,053 productive days being delivered during 2016/17 which equates to approximately 6 full time equivalent employees.  The draft Internal Audit Strategy for 2016-17 demonstrates how the Internal Audit Section will be delivered and developed in accordance with the Terms of Reference and how it links to the Council’s objectives and priorities.  She stated the Strategy will be reviewed and updated annually in consultation with stakeholders namely the Audit committee, Corporate Management Board, External Auditors and senior management.  


The Chief Internal Auditor reported that the draft Annual Risk Based Audit Plan 2016-17 has been formulated to ensure compliance with the Standards contained within the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards.  Draft detailed plans for each Directorate to ensure compliance with the Standards and to keep the Audit Committee fully informed.


The Chief Internal Auditor informed the Committee that available resources would be looked at within the team, the achievements made in the previous year and through discussion with each Director on what they wished to achieve and their concerns in order to determine which services would be included in the Audit Plan.  She stated that the number of productive days had been arrived at on the basis of experience from the previous year.    


RESOLVED:         That the Committee approved the draft Internal Audit Strategy and draft Annual Risk Based Audit Plan for 2016/17.  

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