Agenda item

The Proposed Bridgend Business Improvement Districts

To seek Cabinet approval to support the progression of the Bridgend Business Improvement District (BID) to ballot and to decide in particular how the Council should vote in the proposed ballot and to seek Cabinet approval to establish the legal requirements to enable the Council to deliver on its key roles and responsibilities in respect of the proposed BID.



The Corporate Director Communities presented a report, that looked to seek Cabinet approval to support the progression of the Bridgend Business Improvement District (BID) to ballot and decide in particular, how the Council should vote in the prosed ballot, and also to seek Cabinet approval to establish the legal requirements to enable the Council to deliver on its key roles and responsibilities in respect of the proposed BID.


By way of background information, the Corporate Director Communities advised that the BID has been in development since 2014, following one-off funding of £25k from Welsh Government and the Council.


He advised that the aim of a BID was to deliver a sustainable financial model to a defined geographical area of a town or city, where businesses have voted through a ballot process to invest collectively in local improvements.


The Corporate Director Communities further advised that, in order for businesses to establish a BID it is necessary to undertake a ballot and secure a positive vote. Each separate property occupied or owned by a business rate payer (referred to as a hereditament) attracts a vote. To be successful the vote must meet two tests: more than 50% of votes cast must be in favour of the BID and the ‘yes’ vote must represent more than 50% of the aggregate rateable value of votes cast. A vote in favour of the BID proposals on the basis of these two criteria being met means that all eligible businesses have to pay the levy, irrespective of whether they voted for it. If the ballot is successful a BID company limited by guarantee will be established.


He then confirmed, that the Bridgend BID (CF31) has commenced its campaign period following 24 months of development by the BID Steering Group. The BID Steering Group consists of representatives from the business community, a representative from Bridgend Town Council and the Cabinet Member for Regeneration & Economic Development. The Group is independently advised and steered through the BID process by specialist consultants ‘The Means’, appointed by the Council. The BID would outline a programme of services that it would intend delivering over a 3 year term.


The    The Corporate Director Communities added that businesses had identified their specific priorities for the town centre in the draft BID proposal: developing strategy and supporting business, better marketing, a safer and more welcoming town, and improving access and parking. Cabinet should note he added, that an Access Study has been commissioned for Queen St, Dunraven Place and Market Street, in Bridgend Town Centre, which will help inform the BID priority of improving access and parking. This would be presented to Cabinet in June.


He then advised that, at the time of the preparation of this report the Council has only received a draft BID proposal, and the finalised BID proposal required to be submitted under the Regulations had as of yet, not been submitted prior to the commencement of today’s meeting. In view of this, it will be necessary to delegate power to the Corporate Director – Communities to approve any BID proposal in order that the BID ballot can take place (see paragraphs 4.6 and 4.6.1 of the report as to the holding of the BID ballot) within the timeframe envisaged for the holding of the ballot.


The BID proposal is that a business will pay a levy of 1.25% of their rateable value resulting in an annual income of approx. £130,000. This BID levy will be fixed for a three year term, after which a renewal ballot will take place. The BID proposal provides in greater detail the proposed BID levy and the requirements of which non-domestic ratepayers will be required to pay the levy if the BID ballot is successful. The streets shown in paragraph 4.4 of the report were included in the BID area either in whole or in part.


The Corporate Director Communities then referred to the BID Ballot as explained in paragraph 4.6 of the report, as well as the Ballot timetable.


He stated that the indicative ballot period was 2 – 30 June, with publication of the result targeted for 1 July. These dates would be subject to the actions in the timetable shown in paragraph 4.6.1 of the report.


The remaining sections of the report, referred to Formal Agreements relating to the BID (i.e. Baseline Service Agreement and Operating Agreement), progress made to date and the next steps.


The Corporate Director Communities concluded the report, by confirming that the Council as a business rate payer within the defined BID area has a number of votes in the BID ballot, as well as having the opportunity to vote due to the Authority having business premises in Bridgend, and then outlining the financial implications with regard to the report’s proposals.


The Cabinet Member Economic Development and Regeneration, confirmed that the initiative for the BID came from traders as opposed to BCBC, however, the Council were very supportive of the report’s recommendations.


The Cabinet Member Communities added that BCBC would help support traders in Bridgend in order to assist the viability of the town centre.


The Cabinet Member Adult Social Care and Health and Wellbeing asked if this type of BID was open to other County Borough town centres, and the Corporate Director Communities confirmed that if traders in these towns initiated this, he felt that there was no reason why the Council could not look at supporting this.


RESOLVED:                     That Cabinet:-


(1)      Delegates to the Corporate Director Communities the power to approve the BID proposal and supplementary documentation required to be submitted to the Council for approval as duly complying with the Regulations, as so duly complying once the same has been submitted by the BID proposer.


(2)        Upon receipt of a notice from the BID proposer that the Council should instruct the Returning Officer to hold a BID ballot the Cabinet delegates to the Corporate Director Communities the requirement to serve the notice upon the Returning Officer to make the arrangements to hold a BID ballot, and also delegates to the Corporate Director Communities the power to decide when to so serve the notice on the Returning Officer, if the BID proposal and supplementary documentation required to be submitted to and approved by the Council as complying with the Regulations, has not been submitted and approved by the Council at the time the notice is served by the BID proposer.


(3)        Approved the financial arrangements detailed in paragraphs 6.3 to 6.5 of the report.


(4)      That Cabinet receives a further report at its meeting in June in order that it can determine how the Council should vote in the BID ballot and upon such a report being necessary the Corporate Director Communities is to take the opportunity of updating Cabinet on the BID for Bridgend.


(5)      That the Council’s votes in the BID ballot be cast by the Leader on behalf of the Council.


(6)      Upon there being a successful BID ballot (and the relevant publication notice required by the Regulations having been undertaken), Cabinet authorise the Chief Executive Officer in consultation with the Corporate Director Communities, Corporate Director Operational and Partnership Services and the Section 151 Officer, to approve and finalise the terms of the Baseline Services Agreement with the BID Company and to arrange for the Corporate Director Operational and Partnership Services to execute the Baseline Service Agreement.


(7)        Upon there being a successful BID ballot (and the relevant publication notice required by the Regulations having been undertaken), Cabinet authorise the Head of Finance in consultation with the Corporate Director Communities and the Corporate Director Operational and Partnership Services to approve and finalise the terms of the Operational Agreement with the BID Company and to arrange for the Corporate Director Operational and Partnership Services to execute the Operational Agreement.

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