Agenda item

P/15/648/OUT - St Clares Convent, Clevis Lane, Porthcawl



RESOLVED:               (1)   That having regard to the following application, the applicant enters into a S 106 Agreement to:-


  1. Provide a financial contribution of £416,208.00 towards the provision of affordable housing.
  2. Provide a financial contribution of £5,640.00 towards the upgrading of a local play facility
  3. Provide a financial contribution of £7,000.00 to cover the cost of a Road Traffic Order in respect of amending and extending the existing One Way Traffic Order that applies to the southern section of Clevis Hill.
  4. Agree that no demolition or site clearance works shall be commenced until a contract for carrying out development works has been made and submitted to the Local Planning Authority and a detailed scheme for the redevelopment of the site has been approved.


Code No.                                      Proposal


P/15/648/OUT                            Demolition of St Clares Convent & Redevelop site for Residential Use


That Condition 1 be amended to read as follows:-


1.  The development, hereby approved, shall be limited to no more than 12 dwellings, comprising 11 new build single units together with a further single residential unit created from the partially retained Prayer Centre Building with the access located to the south of the retained section of the Prayer Centre Building and shall be substantially in accordance with the 1:500scale sketch site plan dated 24th February 2016.


The Condition 4 attached to the Outline application be amended to read as follows:-


Condition 4:


4.  No development shall take place, including any works of demolition/site clearance until a Construction Traffic Management Plan and Demolition Method Statement has been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The Method Statement shall provide for:-


(i)         The proposed timetable for the phasing of demolition works.

(ii)       The timing of HGV construction traffic to/from the site to avoid school starting and leaving times.

(iii)       The routeing of HGV construction traffic to/from the site to avoid the southern end of Clevis Lane.

(iv)       The parking of vehicles of vehicles of site operatives and visitors.

(v)        Loading and unloading of plant and materials.

(vi)      Storage compound for plant and materials to be used in the construction phase and any retained from the demolition phase.

(vii)      Wheel washing facilities.

(viii)     Measures to control the emission of dust and dirt from the demolition and construction phase.

(ix)      Provision of temporary traffic and pedestrian management along Clevis Lane.

(x)       Methods of dealing with any controlled waste including removal to a registered site by a registered waste carrier.

(xi)      Details of fencing for the protection of retained trees protected by a Preservation Order before any equipment, machinery or materials are brought onto the site for the purposes of the development.  The fencing shall be maintained throughout the course of the development, with no other materials stored or placed in any area fenced in accordance with this condition.  The ground levels within the fenced areas shall not be altered nor shall any excavation be made.


The demolition and construction works shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with the agreed method Statement and Traffic Management Plan.


Reason: In the interest of highway safety.


Supporting documents: