Agenda item

To receive the following Notice of Motion from the Cabinet Member Regeneration and Economic Development:-

"This Council believes that the County of Bridgend will be stronger, safer and better off by a referendum result in favour of remaining in the European Union"




The Mayor asked the Cabinet Member Regeneration and Economic Development, Councillor C E Smith to propose a Notice of Motion. 


The Cabinet Member Regeneration and Economic Development informed Council that its Constitution permits resolutions to be presented to Council which have to be of concern to the County Borough of Bridgend.     


He proposed that Bridgend County Borough Council formally records its support for remaining in the European Union.  He stated that the EU has had a massive beneficial impact on the area, and there would be significant consequences if this was to cease.  He informed Council that Wales receives £490 million from the EU under the Rural Development Plan. Together with co-financing from the Welsh Government, this formed a major programme of investment totalling around £900 million for rural communities across Wales.


The Cabinet Member Regeneration and Economic Development informed Council that the Local Investment Fund supported 248 business-led initiatives and paid out £1.4 million which coupled with private sector investment to total £2.2 million.  This translated as support for 159 enterprises in Bridgend, financial assistance to 47 individuals starting up new enterprises, support for one social enterprise, the creation of nearly 400 new jobs and the safeguarding of a further 1,600 jobs.


He informed Members that the last Rural Development Programme saw an investment of approximately £6 million into rural Bridgend over six years, which meant that for every £1 invested, a further £9 was attracted. He stated that the Green Shoots scheme had created 45 jobs, supported 74 existing micro enterprises, assisted 46 new start-ups, brought forward three centres for rural excellence, and provided financial support for 185 community led projects.


The Cabinet Member Regeneration and Economic Development informed Council that over half of the County Borough’s wards are classed as rural, with the Rural Development Programme being administered locally which has a wide expertise and who decide on local priorities.  This partnership approach with local input is the actual way in which Brussels operates.  He stated that regional policy takes approximately half the EU budget.


The Cabinet Member Regeneration and Economic Development informed Council that in respect of trade, living in a market of 500 million people was not a threat, but an opportunity.  He stated that the alternatives to the single market involve less trade and would make the UK worse off.  He informed Council that that the County Borough has a long-standing relationship with large, globally recognised companies that depend on international trade such as Sony, Ford, Biomet, Spectrum Technologies, Airbornes Systems, CGI and Rockwool.  He stated that in addition to the names the majority of citizens will be familiar with, there are also a number of smaller, lesser known companies who have expanded into the area and which are just as important.  He highlighted the example of Grupo Interpack, a company based in Madrid since 1971, which has expanded all across Europe and in 2005 set up Espack Eurologistica in Bridgend with the help of the Council’s Economic Development Team.  This company have since become a key part of the supply chain for major companies such as Ford, provide employment for 60 local people, and also took on a number of people when Remploy folded in 2013.  He stated that they play a significant role in supporting the local economy of Bridgend County Borough, and are just one of many such companies who have set up home in the area.


He informed Council that remaining a member of the EU was the right thing to do, and as such, he proposed the following resolution: That ‘this council believes that the County Borough of Bridgend is safer, stronger and better off with a referendum result to remain in the European Union’. 


The Cabinet Member Regeneration and Economic Development invited all elected members to make the Notice of Motion unanimous.


The motion was seconded by Councillor D B F White who commented on the benefits of remaining in the EU, which had given freedom to citizens to live and work wherever they chose.  He stated that being part of the EU had made travelling easier and given citizens access to emergency health care when needed.


He stated that the County Borough had benefitted in terms of the grant funding received for projects in Bridgend Town Centre, the coastal path in Porthcawl and the Kenfig Nature Reserve.  Additionally, the South Wales valleys had benefitted from EU funding to alleviate poverty.


Councillors Butcher and Clarke announced that they would be abstaining from voting as they had yet to decide on whether to remain in the EU or not. 


The Leader informed Council that all information from local authorities would be collated by the WLGA who will make a case for remaining in the EU on behalf of local government.


An electronic Vote was requested to determine whether a recorded vote should be held on the Notice of Motion, there were 38 votes for taking a recorded vote and 8 votes against a recorded vote.   


The Cabinet Member Regeneration and Economic Development in summing up stated that there were no significant arguments against the Notice of Motion.


A vote was taken on the Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor C E Smith and seconded by Councillor D B F White.


The vote was as follows:


FOR                            Against                       Abstain           Did Not Vote  


Councillor                   Councillor                    Councillor         Councillor


HJ David                                                        S Aspey

G Davies                                                        MW Butcher

PA Davies                                                      N Clarke

GW Davies MBE                                            C Westwood

E Dodd

DK Edwards

N Farr

EP Foley

CA Green

M Gregory

EM Hughes

RM James

RD Jenkins

P John

CL Jones

M Jones

RC Jones

DRW Lewis

JE Lewis

JR McCarthy

HE Morgan


AD Owen

DG Owen

D Patel

G Phillips

DR Pugh

C Reeves

M Reeves

CE Smith

JC Spanswick

G Thomas

M Thomas

R Thomas

JH Tildesley MBE

HJ Townsend

E Venables

KJ Watts

DBF White

PJ White

PJ White

HM Williams

R Williams

R Young


44                                0                                  4                     0


As a result of the vote the Notice of Motion was carried. 


RESOLVED:               That Council believes that the County of Bridgend will be stronger, safer and better off by a referendum in favour of remaining in the European Union.