Agenda item

Annual Report on Equality in the Workforce



The Equality Officer presented a report that provided the Cabinet Committee Equalities with data on the Council’s workforce as at 31 March 2016, and an update on employment related developments.


He confirmed that Appendices 1 and 2 of the report, provided profiles of the Council’s workforce as at 31 March 2016. This data provided the number of employees disclosing as LGBT, those with a disability, employees who were also carers, those from a BME background, and a breakdown of employees’ Welsh speaking, reading and writing skills.


The Equality Officer added that it was not mandatory for employees to provide such data, though efforts were being made to improve the level and accuracy of the information being disclosed.


The Equality Officer then advised Members of certain ongoing developments in respect of, for example, the Council’s Strategic Equality Plan 2016 – 2020. A strategic objective within the Plan, was “Our role as an employer”. Actions within this objective which would be supported by accurate workforce data was exampled in paragraph 4.2.2 of the report, while paragraph 4.2.3 of the report gave examples of e:learning modules on areas that related to Equality and Diversity, Mental Health Awareness and Disability Equality amongst others.


A Member noted from page 10 of the report, that as at 31 March 2016 he was surprised to see from data that there had been data indicating that gay men had classed themselves as lesbian in the Authority, there were 106 people in the Authority over 66 years of age and therefore, of normal retirement age.


The Equality Officer confirmed to Members, that staff in Bridgend County Borough Council are now legally able to work beyond 65 years of age  if they so wished and they were fit and well enough to do so. The remainder of the data was based on what employees had given in terms of accuracy.


In terms of employees with a disability forthcoming with information regarding this, a Member felt that this could be promoted and encouraged further through the Trade Unions who could possibly put something in Union newsletters encouraging more of the workforce to complete and submit Workforce employee data.


The Equality Officer confirmed that he would look into this request.


In terms of statistical information with regard to salary pay grades within the Authority, and the split of this when comparing male and female employees, a Member asked if there was any data available in respect of this.


The Equality Officer advised Members that he could obtain this data and forward it onto them outside of the meeting. He confirmed as Members may be aware, that 75% of the Council’s workforce were female.


A Member asked if there was any information available on the number of employees who held a blue badge, and if these individuals were classed as disabled.


The Equality Officer confirmed that as far as data was concerned, it was not incumbent upon the Council to categorise any of its workforce as disabled or otherwise, as it was the individual’s responsibility to notify the Authority if they held a disability. He added that blue badge holders did not necessarily have to have a physical impairment to obtain a blue badge. They may also qualify if they had a cognitive impairment.


RESOLVED:                  That the Cabinet Committee Equalities received and considered the Workforce report.  

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