Agenda item

Development of a New Transition Service Model for Disabled Children and Young People


The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing presented a report, which informed the Cabinet Committee Corporate Parenting of the work undertaken in respect of the development of a new service model for young people in transition from Children’s to Adult Services, and to seek approval to undertake wider engagement with staff and stakeholders in respect of the proposed new service model for transition in moving forward.


The report outlined certain background information, and advised that a Multi-Departmental Project team had been established to take work forward including key stakeholders involved in transition, covering all specialities within Adult Social Care, as well as representation from the Disabled Children’s Team in Children’s Services, and the project has followed a project management approach, with support being provided by the corporate Project management team.


The Group Manager, Disability Transition and Case Management confirmed that a range of workshops (totalling three) had taken place involving those key stakeholders identified in the report in order to:


  • Fully appraise the current transition service model in Bridgend;
  • Reconsider and review the proposal made via the Western Bay Learning Disability Programme; and
  • Refine the proposed new model, in order to ensure that it meets the requirements of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014


In response to the work carried out in the workshops, an alternative ‘phased approach’ a proposal was then drawn-up by the Project Team, which addressed certain concerns highlighted in the report, and was in-keeping with the requirements of the new Act, as well as being a manageable and realistic proposal in terms of being implemented effectively within the required timescales. These phases were Phase 1 – A Transition Key worker model, and Phase 2 – A Western Bay optimal model. Further information on these was outlined in paragraphs 4.8 and 4.9 of the report, respectively.


The Group Manager, Disability Transition and Case Management then concluded her submission by advising of the reports financial implications with regard to the new Transition Service Model for Disabled Children and Young People.


The Cabinet Member Adult Social Care and Health and Wellbeing welcomed the new model and the fact that an Equality Impact Assessment would be carried out in due course, in order to assess any potential impact the model would have on individuals and staff.


He also praised the good work that was being undertaken in the Bridgend Resource Centre, but he asked also, if there was sufficient space at the centre to accommodate the extra staff that may be placed there, to support the introduction of the new model.


The Group Manager, Disability Transition and Case Management confirmed that a number of staff had already re-located and that there would be room available for future staff, on a phased approach.


The Chief Executive referred to the reports financial implications and enquired if any savings would be realised in due course as a result of the introduction of the new model.


The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing, advised that the model would ensure that there is increased close-up working between staff in both Children’s and Adult Services, which may lead to the opportunity to realign staff was difficult to predict to what extent savings would be made but the service understood the need to make efficiencies and this would be given due consideration.. Earlier intervention though by departments and agencies working together more collaboratively would also ensure a service efficiency. The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing added that she would be in a better position to establish if any savings were to be made following the introduction of the new model in around 6 months time when it started to be more established.


RESOLVED:                     That the Corporate Parenting Cabinet Committee:


                               (1)Noted the information contained in the report.

   (2)        Approved to undertake wider engagement with  staff and stakeholders in respect of the proposed new service model for transition in moving forward.

                               (3)Noted that a further report will be presented to the Committee in the future, to include details regarding any financial implications, as a result of the introduction of the Service Model, and proposing a new Model for transition in the longer-term which will have been finalised based on the findings from the engagement.

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