Agenda item

Departure from Development Plan - Planning Application P/16/939/FUL - Construct a Single Storey Cafe Building with Ancillary spaces for use by South Wales Police


The Group Manager – Development outlined the above report, which was a proposal for a single storey cafeteria building to be centrally located within the Police Headquarters site, to replace an existing cafeteria building.


He confirmed that on 19 January 2017, the Development Control Committee considered the planning application which represented a departure from the Local Development Plan, and was therefore referred to Council for determination.


The application site forms part of a wider residential allocation in the Bridgend Strategic Regeneration Growth Area for approximately 138 units under Policy COM1 (5) of the Local Development Plan (LDP) (2013).


South Wales Police (SWP) were currently undertaking a large-scale rationalisation programme of their existing facilities and assets and, up until recently, their original rationalisation proposals involved the release of the entire northern part of their existing HQ facilities for alternative development.  However, SWP had confirmed that they have reassessed their assets as part of their ongoing rationalisation programme. They now propose to pursue an alternative strategy which entails carrying on with their programme of refurbishment and improvement works and retaining the whole of their existing HQ site at Cowbridge Road.


On the basis that the SWP rationalisation strategy has evolved since the adoption of the LDP in 2013, the fact that they have invested in the HQ site and, that their asset plan going forward is now to consolidate their activities and facilities at their existing site at Cowbridge Road, there is now no realistic prospect of the delivery of housing under Policy COM1(5) on this site.


Notwithstanding the loss of the housing allocation, the investment in the site and its comprehensive redevelopment is welcomed as the applicant has made a firm commitment to consolidate and retain its operations within the County Borough. The strategy will ensure that a highly prestigious HQ facility will be retained within Bridgend, thereby retaining and creating highly skilled employment opportunities as well as providing a valuable social and community service to the residents and communities of Bridgend.


Furthermore, added the Group Manager - Development, the new facilities at the Cowbridge Road site (including the cafeteria) will facilitate an earlier than previously anticipated release of SWP’s land holding assets at Waterton Cross, which also forms part of the larger mixed use allocation under LDP Policy PLA3(4) Parc Afon Ewenni, including the delivery of an estimated 650 new dwellings. The concentration of the facilities at SWP’s HQ at Cowbridge Road will now allow the entire Waterton Cross site to be released in a timely manner and within the LDP plan period (2013-2021).

The development is, therefore, broadly in line with the LDP’s Regeneration-Led Spatial Strategy and Strategic Policy SP1 of the LDP which aims to maximise regeneration benefits and particularly focus development within Strategic Regeneration Growth Areas. The current and wider proposals for the HQ site and the Waterton Cross site are inextricably linked and both are located within the Bridgend Strategic Regeneration Growth Area. The current proposal, as part of a wider strategy by SWP, is therefore maximising the regeneration benefits of both sites.


In view of the foregoing, the Development Control Committee resolved not to refuse planning permission and as such the application is referred to Council which is requested to approve the application subject to conditions he concluded.


In response to a Members question, the Group Manager – Development advised that the 130 units referred to as part of the original proposal, would be re-considered for placing elsewhere in the County Borough, as part of the review of the Council’s Local Development Plan later this year.


RESOLVED:                      That Council is minded not to refuse the development then the Corporate Director -Communities be given delegated powers to issue a decision notice in respect of this

                                           proposal to include the standard 5 year time limit for implementation and the following conditions:-


1.        The development shall be carried out in accordance with the  following approved plans and documents:


0812/91 Rev A

0812/100 Rev H

0812/120 Rev G


                 Reason: To avoid doubt and confusion as to the nature and extent of the approved development.


             2.                   2.   No development shall commence on site until a scheme for the comprehensive and integrated drainage of the site, showing how foul, road and roof/yard water will be dealt with, including future maintenance requirements, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority; the approved scheme must be implemented prior to beneficial use.


                Reason: To ensure the effective drainage facilities are provided   for the proposed development and that flood risk is not increased.


               3.    The approved use shall not commence until an adequate grease trap has been fitted in accordance with details that have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Thereafter the grease trap shall be maintained so as to prevent grease entering the public sewerage system.


               Reason: To protect the integrity of the public sewerage system and ensure the free flow of sewerage.


               4.    Prior to the development being brought into beneficial use details of the extraction system to be installed, including odour abatement and noise levels generated by the external unit (sound power/pressure levels), a vertical section plan indicating the position and height of final openings of the exhaust ducts and details of an odour management plan shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details as agreed shall be implemented within 1 month of agreement and thereafter the equipment shall be maintained in accordance with the agreed programme and retained for the duration of the use.


               Reason: To ensure that the amenities of adjoining and nearby occupiers are not prejudiced.

Supporting documents: