Agenda item

Hackney Carriage Meter and Equipment Specification


The Licensing Policy Officer presented a report on a proposal to introduce a condition into the hackney carriage meter and equipment specification requiring the annual testing of the fitted taximeter. Approval was also being sought to invite and establish an approved list of taximeter testers in order to facilitate annual testing of the taximeter and for a condition to be inserted into the current vehicle conditions with effect from 8 March 2017 to state that GPS taxi management & dispatch systems could not be used as taximeters to clarify the legal position.


The Bridgend County Borough Council hackney carriage byelaws required all hackney carriages to be fitted with a taximeter. The use of a taximeter had advantages for both the driver and passenger. The display of the fare clearly indicated to the passenger what the fare would be and the driver did not have to manually calculate the fare. The fare charged was therefore transparent and clear and assisted in minimising disputes


In recent years there had been a rise in the use of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to measure fares in licensed vehicles. This system comprised of an office based central dispatch system linked to a mobile data terminal in the vehicle using GPS. The mobile data terminal was similar to a satellite navigation terminal, but also included a taximeter function.


GPS systems were used by operators to manage and dispatch vehicles to customers and could also be used to calculate the fare for the journey. However, whilst new technology was welcomed, no GPS system complied with the requirements of the Measuring Instruments (Taximeters) Regulations 2006 and therefore could not be used as a taximeter.


Hackney carriages in Bridgend were not currently required to have their taximeter periodically tested. It was proposed that a condition be inserted into the meter and equipment specification section of the hackney carriage conditions to ensure that all hackney carriages were fitted with a taximeter of approved design, properly sealed and tested and kept in good repair and proper working order clearly visible to all passengers without affecting passenger comfort or infringing construction and use regulations. The fitted meter also had to be calibrated to include only Bridgend County Borough Council tariffs applicable to the number of passengers permitted in that vehicle. The proprietor also had to produce annually to the Licensing Authority a certificate issued by a taximeter installer/tester approved by the Licensing Authority stating that the meter was accurate and contained only the current Bridgend County Borough Council hackney carriage tariff.


This proposed new condition would provide a robust process for ensuring taximeters were set to the correct Bridgend tariff, helping to maintain public trust that the fare charged on the meter was correct. The proposal would require consultation with the trade, and as this matter was trade specific, the consultation would be by letter to all existing proprietors.


The Committee requested an approximate figure for testing the taximeter and were advised that it would cost approximately £30 annually.


The Licensing Policy Officer confirmed that units were not currently checked and this policy would put a robust procedure in place for the future. If a complaint was received for overcharging, an Enforcement Officer could investigate and take action. He confirmed this policy was already in place in Cardiff and in the Vale of Glamorgan.


RESOLVED            The Committee

(i)            Approved a consultation with the trade on the proposed amendments to the conditions relating to the hackney carriage meters and equipment by way of letter to proprietors.

(ii)           Approved the request to invite contractors to be considered for the approved list of taximeter testers.

(iii)          Approved that the following condition be inserted into the current vehicle conditions with effect from 8 March 2017.

“A GPS taxi management & dispatch system           consisting of a mobile data head and a central dispatch system may be fitted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The GPS system is not a taximeter. It can be used alongside the vehicle’s approved taximeter but must not replace it.”

Noted that a further report would be presented to deal with any consultation responses and to set an approved list of taximeter testers, together with an implementation date for the new requirements for meter calibration.      

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