Agenda item

Forward Work Programme Update

Appendix A Criteria for Forward Work Programme

Appendix B Scrutiny Draft Forward Work Programme Summary

Appendix C Scrutiny Draft Forward Work Programme


The Head of Democratic Services explained to Members that a report was presented to Council where it provided details of the new Scrutiny Committee Structure, Terms of Reference and its processes which was duly approved.  He stated that the structure would enable greater focus on priority items and would allow Members to drill down further into topics and overall achieve more effective outcomes.


The Scrutiny Officer presented a report which detailed potential items for comment and prioritisation.  She also asked Members to identify further items using the pre-determined criteria form which was attached to the report at Appendix A.


A Member indicated that they felt that under the heading of Process for Feedback in the report, there should have been a reference to each Subject Committee having the ability to make recommendations directly to Cabinet as well as Officers.


A Member highlighted when identifying any suggested topics for inclusion on the Forward Work Programme, the Committee focus on public needs.  In response to this statement, the Scrutiny Officer explained that if members of the public had any concerns regarding a service provided by Bridgend County Borough Council or an issue affecting the community they were also able to suggest items for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to discuss by completing and returning a Scrutiny Request Form found on the Scrutiny Website.


Members requested that the Criteria Form be circulated to all Members of the Committee in word format for completion to assist scoping by Scrutiny Officers.



Subsequent to the Committee’s discussion Members determined the following in relation to the Overview and Scrutiny Forward Work Programme:

The items below have been highlighted by the Committee as priorities for the first set of meetings to be presented to the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee for formal prioritisation. 




In addition to the specific requested information listed on the draft forward work programme, Members asked that the report include:

  • What the current issues that residents are experiencing with the new Waste and Recycling Scheme since the new Kier Contract was rolled out in June 2017.  How these issues are being addressed.  What lessons have been learned?
  • To explore the possibility of compiling the issues being raised through Member referrals
  • To provide comparisons on like for like basis on how other Local Authorities manage their waste


Members further requested that the Chief Executive or Managing Director of Kier be invited to the meeting and recommended the webcasting of this topic due to the high public interest.


Economic Prosperity of Bridgend County Borough

Members of the Committee wish to receive information on this topic as proposed in the Forward Work Programme.


Developing Bridgend as a place to live, work and visit

Members of the Committee wish to receive information on this topic as proposed in the Forward Work Programme


Town Centre Regeneration

In addition to the specific requested information listed on the draft forward work programme, Members asked that the report include:

·         data and implications on the ageing population from the closure of public toilets in the Borough.


The Committee agreed to complete and return the criteria form for the following items for future consideration on the Scrutiny Forward Work Programmes:


Empty Properties

Road Safety

Awen Cultural Trust - Members agreed to wait until they receive a pre council briefing on Awen Cultural Trust before deciding if this is a potential item to consider.


Anti-Poverty Strategy

Community Asset Transfer

Supporting documents: