Agenda item

Forward Work Programme (FWP) Update


The Corporate Director Operational and Partnership Services submitted a report, that:


a)    Presented the items prioritised by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee including the next item delegated to this Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

b)    Presented a list of responses to comments, recommendations and requests for additional information from the previous meeting of the Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2.

c)    Present the Committee with a list of further potential items for comment and prioritisation.

d)    Asked the Committee to identify any further items for consideration using the pre-determined criteria form


Attached to the report at Appendix A was the overall FWP which included the topics prioritised by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee (COSC) for the next set of Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s in Table 1, as well as a list of topics that were deemed important for future prioritisation at Table 2.


The Scrutiny Officer advised that the Committee were being firstly asked to consider the next topic they have been allocated by the COSC in Table 1, and determine what further detail they would like the report to contain, what questions they wish officers to address, and if there are any further Invitees they wish to attend for this meeting, in order to assist Members in their investigation.


The Committee were also being asked to then prioritise up to six items from the list in Table 2 to present to the COSC for formal prioritisation and designation to each Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the next set of meetings. As part of this, Members were asked to consider the feedback and responses from their previous Committee meeting attached at Appendix B to the report, and determine whether they were satisfied with the outcome and what to propose to the COSC on the item.


The report also alluded to Overview and Scrutiny Members roles in terms of Corporate Parenting, and whether any further items Members wished to identify for the FWP.


Following consideration of the report by Members, it was resolved:


 1.       Subsequent to the Committee’s discussion Members determined the following in relation to the Overview and Scrutiny Forward Work Programme:


1.1          Following the responses received from Officers in relation to the item ‘Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) Inspection of Children’s Services’ on Members have requested that they receive an information report at a future meeting in response to the comments made below:


          Members have requested that they receive an update on the progress of the plan at an appropriate time, to enable the Committee to monitor whether the actions have addressed the issues raised by the Inspectorate.

          With reference to the issues raised in the CSSIW report regarding staff morale, the Committee recommend that steps be put in place to monitor staff and their job satisfaction by means of a Corporate employee survey.


1.2      In relation to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) report scheduled for 9 October 2017, Members have requested that we look to invite representation from relevant external agencies and also an Education Psychologist to ensure any recommendations made by the Committee are based on a wide range of views and presentations.


The items below have been highlighted by the Committee as priorities for the first set of meetings to be presented to the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny for formal prioritisation:


Economic Prosperity of Bridgend County Borough - Members have requested that the report detail how we, as a Council, are proactively ensuring that we will benefit from the City Deal.  Members have also requested that a representative from Monmouthshire County Council be invited for the item, to provide an insight on how the City Deal will affect them, as a Council that is also on the periphery of Cardiff Capital Region.  Members have identified this item for webcasting.


Town Centre Regeneration – Due to public interest in the item, Members have identified this item for webcasting.


It was also agreed that the following items were important and needed to be prioritised for later in the Forward Work Programme:


(i)            Advocacy Services for Children and Adults


Residential Remodelling – Extra Care Housing Schemes

Supporting documents: