Agenda item

Rationalisation of Supported Bus Services 2018/19

To make proposals for the rationalisation of supported bus services across the County Borough to meet a proposed budget reduction of £188,000 in 2018/19, as part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS).



The Corporate Director Communities reported on proposals for the rationalisation of supported bus services across the County Borough to meet a proposed budget reduction of £188,000 in 2018/19 as part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS).


He reported that the Council and Welsh Government support the provision of regional and local bus services by subsidising routes that are not commercially viable.  These services serve routes that enable residents who live along them to access employment, education, health care and social activities.  He informed Cabinet that the Council was therefore required to approach a reduction in service provision in a manner that will enable the retention of the grant funding by providing support for core strategic bus network and community transport.  


He reported that a reduction of £188,000 had been identified in the Medium Term Financial Strategy from Bridgend’s core budget of £318,000 for supported bus services in 2018/19 which would leave £130,000 for supported bus services.  He stated that if this reduction is approved, the likely overall budget for supported bus services in 2018/19 is likely to be £426,164 (£130,000 core funding + £296,164 available WG grant).  He informed Cabinet that an impact assessment had also been undertaken on all of the supported public transport routes to assess the impact that the withdrawal might have on the public, with a maximum score of 220 available and a higher score representing the greatest impact. 


The Corporate Director Communities also reported on a list of supported bus services, cross boundary services and the grant administration used.  The list also contained comments / implications which include detail of some routes that have alternative services along the main roads but are not as accessible as the current services.  Other routes would be at a reduced frequency.  He stated that discussions had been held with the service providers on the possible reduction in services.  At those meetings they could not give an indication as to whether they would operate any removed services commercially; however they would consider the matter further once a decision had been made as to what services would be rationalised. 


The Corporate Director Communities reported that a consultation would be undertaken to seek the views of persons impacted upon by the proposed changes.  This will consist of an initial discussion with the bus operators to ascertain if they would consider taking on any of the routes as commercially viable.  A wider online consultation using social media would be undertaken to advise of the proposal and seeking any views.  Details of the consultation would also be sent as part of a press release emailed to various stakeholders within the county borough.  He stated that a partial mitigation to the above would be to utilise the Bridgend Community Transport, which offers accessible transport solutions for charitable and voluntary groups, and individuals, through a range of services including the provision of fully accessible minibuses for community groups, dial a ride, community car, and wheels to work services for individuals. 


The Cabinet Member Communities in commending the proposal to undertake consultation was pleased to see proposals to mitigate the possible loss of some services, in particular through the Community Transport scheme and asked if a pilot service could be run. 


The Cabinet Member Wellbeing and Future Generations questioned whether socio economic characteristics would be considered when assessing the impact of supported bus services.  The Corporate Director Communities stated that social isolation was a factor which was looked at in the scoring matrix. 


The Deputy Leader commented that an assessment needed to be made of where people live and where people need to get to in planning services as part of the one council approach.  The Leader commented on the possibility of using the Council’s fleet of vehicles more effectively to support bus services.  The Cabinet Member Communities commented on the need for an integrated transport solution to be looked at particularly in light of the City Deal, which could present opportunities and not a cut in services.


RESOLVED:           That Cabinet:


(1)          Considered the content of the report and agreed that a 12 week consultation is undertaken on the proposals following which a Full Equality Impact Assessment will be undertaken;


(2)          Agreed to a further report outlining the results of the consultation, to be accompanied by a Full Equality Impact Assessment, to be presented at a future meeting of Cabinet in order that the proposals outlined in the report may be considered.        


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