The Head of Children’s Social Care reported on an update of the work undertaken to implement a new model of specialist 52-week provision for children and young people with complex needs and requested that the Statement of Purpose developed for the new provision which received Cabinet approval in July 2017 be noted.
The Head of Children’s Social Care also reported that following approval to develop specialist 52-week provision, the project team initiated plans to take the project forward reporting on progress to the Children with Disabilities Programme Board. She stated that the children and young people attending Heronsbridge School were asked to provide suggestions for the new facility and who proposed the name ‘Harwood House’, which is the surname of the current caretaker and is in-keeping with how the other buildings are named.
The Head of Children’s Social Care informed the Committee of the progress made by the following work streams established:
· Procurement and Construction
· Placements/transition planning
· Registration (including staffing structure and rota)
The Head of Children’s Social Care summarised the key points contained within the Statement of Purpose with the registration process commencing with the CSSIW in June 2017 and scheduled to complete by September / October 2017, when it was planned that the first cohort of individuals would be placed within the provision.
The Head of Children’s Social Care reported that the project to develop specialist 52-week provision at Heronsbridge School had been undertaken alongside the remodelling work at Bakers Way, which provided short break provision for children with disabilities.
The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing commented on the importance of the project to deliver specialist 52-week provision which should enable a reduction on the dependence on high cost out if county placements. She stated that she would communicate to Members details of the official opening of the facility once arrangements had been finalised. The Committee thanked the project team for their work in delivering the project. The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing also thanked Gail Summerhayes, the Residential Manager for her part in seeing the project come to fruition.
The Committee questioned whether anything can be done in relation to providing signage to divert students attending Bridgend College away from the new specialist facility and whether there would be allocated parking. The Head of Children’s Social Care stated that she would look at this issue of signage and commented there would be allocated parking for Harwood House. The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing also commented that the practice at the property next to it, namely Heron House which is a facility for adults with learning disabilities would be looked at in order to see how issues of parking are managed.
The Committee asked how many out of county placements existed at present. The Head of Children’s Social Care informed the Committee that there were currently 11 out of county placements where they did not meet the criteria to be accommodated within Harwood House. She stated that once a second child had been identified to move into the facility, the criteria for registration would be met.
The Committee asked whether the young people residing at Harwood House would be registered with local GPs. The Head of Children’s Social Care informed the Committee that discussing would take place with the families of the young people and they would be encouraged to register with local GPs.
The Committee questioned the process for young people to be allocated provision at Harwood House. The Head of Children’s Social Care stated that 2 children had been identified to be in scope for placement within Harwood House and a third child was in the process of being identified, who may not require 52-week provision.
RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Committee Corporate Parenting:
(1) Noted the information contained in the report, which had also been presented to Cabinet in July;
(2) Noted that Cabinet approved the Statement of Purpose for the new 52-week provision for children and young people with complex needs in July 2017.
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