Agenda item

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

To provide Cabinet with an update of the work undertaken since project start and to seek approval to arrange execution of the MASH Agreement on behalf of the Council and enter into a lease agreement for the specific MASH accommodation, Red Dragon Court, Bridgend Industrial Estate, Bridgend.


The Corporate Director, Social Services and Wellbeing provided Cabinet with an update of the work undertaken since project start and seeking approval to arrange execution of the MASH Agreement on behalf of the Council and enter into a lease agreement for the specific MASH accommodation Red Dragon Court, Bridgend Industrial Estate, Bridgend.  She explained that the aim of the project was to improve outcomes for children, young people, adults and their families, by making sure that systems and processes enabled needs to be identified as early as possible and responded to proportionately and by the right person.


The Corporate Director, Social Services and Wellbeing explained that it had been agreed by partners that the project would be implemented in three stages:


  • Phase 1 which was the Co-location of children’s social care staff and key partners (including health, education, police, probation, Community drug and alcohol services and housing; delivery of the IAA Service). There was currently no confirmed date for the co-location of the MASH, and this had implications for the timescales of phases 2 and 3.
  • Phase 2 should be able to take place 6 weeks after phase 1 had been completed. In phase 2 there would be the co-location of Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Team; monitoring of Missing Children and those children/young people subject to Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) concerns.
  • Phase 3 related to the Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferencing/Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements and Professional Abuse Strategy Meetings to be facilitated within the MASH.


She explained that BCBC had agreed to be the lead organisation and therefore, would take full responsibility for the lease and manage the landlord function on behalf of the MASH. The initial length of the lease would be for a 5 year period with a   tenant break clause at 3 years.


The Corporate Director, Social Services and Wellbeing explained that the Partnership Agreement would set out the terms of the MASH collaboration and the basis upon which the Project would be set up, managed and governed. The Parties acknowledged that the Project was dynamic and would be subject to review and amendment by the Parties (as appropriate) during the Agreement Period to improve delivery of the Project.


Work had progressed on scoping out all costs (both capital and revenue) associated with the setup and running of the MASH. The costs would be shared between all partners and the formula for doing this would be agreed and set out in the Agreement for the Bridgend MASH.  Identifying a revenue budget for the BCBC contribution would need to be considered as part of 2018/19 budget setting process. The total capital investment required would be £205,000 of which BCBC would be liable for £82,000. Council approved the total cost and BCBC’s contribution within the capital programme at its meeting on 4 October 2017.


The Corporate Director, Social Services and Wellbeing explained that the main revenue costs would be rent and running costs for the accommodation plus the costs of employing the MASH co-ordinator (although there would be a contribution towards the MASH co-ordinator’s post from the Police and Crime Commissioner for year 1 of the MASH). These costs would be circa £111,350 per annum. BCBC would be liable for 40% of this cost which was £44,540 but as lead organisation would be responsible for paying the total cost and recharging partners. An amount of £1,000 had been agreed for the marketing costs of the MASH. BCBC would pay the initial costs but would ultimately be liable for £400 and would recharge its partners.


The Cabinet Member for Social Services and Early Help added that this was a vital facility and partnership working ensured safeguarding was a priority for this authority.


The Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Future Generations supported the proposals and asked if consideration had been given to an earlier tenant break clause than 3 years and if we already owned a suitable property.


The Corporate Director, Social Services and Wellbeing explained that this had been a key consideration and they would have preferred to use either a BCBC or police property but no suitable accommodation was available at the time. She added that lease arrangements were not her area of expertise but a 3 year clause was not unreasonable.  


The Corporate Director Operational and Partnership Services advised Cabinet that a five year lease was not long and a 3 year tenant break clause was not unusual. His staff had not negotiated the lease but he did not think it was unreasonable. 


The Leader explained that CSSIW had recognised the development of a MASH in its inspection of the authority’s children’s social services. The co-location and joint working of multi-agency staff would strengthen the safeguarding arrangements for children in the Borough, he was therefore very pleased at the progress that was being made.


RESOLVED:           Cabinet:

·         Noted the information contained in this report;

·                       Delegated authority to the Corporate Director, Social Services and Wellbeing to approve the final terms of the MASH Agreement on behalf of the Council and to arrange execution of the Agreement on behalf of the Council, subject to such delegated authority being exercised in consultation with the Corporate Director Operational and Partnership Services;

·                    Delegated authority to the Corporate Director, Communities in consultation with the Corporate Director Operational and Partnership Services to approve the heads of terms and for the Council to enter into a lease for the accommodation at Red Dragon Court, South Road, Bridgend Industrial Estate; and for the Council to take on the property management responsibilities on behalf of the MASH.


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