Agenda item

Outcome of the Consultation 'Shaping Bridgend's Future'

To inform Cabinet of the outcome of the ‘Shaping Bridgend’s Future’ 2017 consultation which asked citizens to share their views on a number of key budget proposals being considered over the Medium Term Financial Strategy period and provide an overview of the budget consultation activities, analysis and key findings.



The Head of Finance and Section 151 Officer submitted a report which informed Cabinet of the Outcome of the ‘Shaping Bridgend’s Future’ 2017 consultation which asked citizens to share their views on a number of key budget proposals being considered over the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) period.


He explained that respondents were asked to share their views on a range of budget proposals, being considered between 2018-19 and 2021-22, including: proposed increases to council tax; which services to protect and / or cut over others; investments and commercial services, regulatory services; back office administration; leisure and cultural services; social services and nursery education.  He stated that the budget consultation overview, document and surveys were made available online via the Council’s website between 12 October and 3 December 2017.  The consultation was aimed at reaching key stakeholders which included citizens, schools, Cabinet Members/ Councillors, local businesses, the third sector, council staff, town and community councils, partner organisations, community and equality groups, youth services/ council and local media.  The consultation was supported by a full communications and promotional plan.  Additionally, methods of engagement included a survey, available both online and in hard copy format; community engagement events, elected member workshops; other meetings / networking events; social media debates and comments and a dedicated Citizens’ Panel survey.       


The Head of Finance and Section 151 Officer informed Cabinet that 2619 responses were received and the responses received represented a 3.4% increase on last year.  He stated that of the five choices, the most popular response was that people were not prepared to increase council tax in order to help protect current service levels, with 25% of respondents agreeing overall.  He also stated that 17% of respondents were prepared to increase council tax by 5% and that demographically, more respondents over 65 were prepared to increase council tax by 5% whilst those under 65 were only prepared to increase it by 1%.  He informed Cabinet that 21% of respondents chose to protect care of older people and services for disabled people through an increase in council tax whilst knowing that the council would have to cut other services more severely to achieve this.  This was closely followed by 19% of respondents wishing to protect schools, youth services and children’s social services.  Based on the responses from the survey, in order to minimise the increase on council tax and save other services, cultural services including libraries, art centres and theatres and sports and recreational services were the two main services the public are willing to cut by 39% and 31% respectively.  He stated that 30% of participants also said they did not want to cut any services.  He also highlighted the other key findings arising from the consultation.      


The Deputy Leader thanked the staff involved in the consultation and acknowledged the contribution made by residents in responding to the consultation, particularly the appetite shown in completing the survey online which had seen a 56% increase.  He stated that the Cabinet would consider the responses from residents in shaping the budget proposals.  The cabinet Member Communities expressed his disappointment at the number of respondents who had supported cuts being made to cultural services.  The Cabinet Member Social Services and Early Help was pleased to see the responses favoured charging extra for sports pitches which was a small price to pay to ensure those facilities were maintained.  The Leader commented on the success of the engagement on the budget with residents and that it was pleasing to note that their priorities for services were also the Cabinet’s priorities.    


RESOLVED:           That Cabinet noted the outcome of the consultation with interested parties as detailed in the Consultation Report attached to the covering report.

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