Agenda item

To receive the report of the Leader


The Leader announced that the new Cabinet Secretary for Local Government and Public Services Alun Davies AM has in recent weeks spoken publicly about his ambitions for major local government reform.  He said that he would like larger and much stronger local authorities in Wales and has expressed the view that no one in local government believes that 22 local authorities are sustainable and that local government re-organisation is back on the agenda.


The Leader informed Council that he had spoken to the Cabinet Secretary in recent weeks and sought re-assurance that the current regional collaborations and partnerships like the City Deal, education consortium and the shared services into this Council has invested so much time and energy will not be dismantled or rebuilt if re-organisation is taken forward by Welsh Government.  The Leader also expressed the view that any extra and prolonged uncertainty around the future is unhelpful as the Council continues to explore and develop different ways of working and asked that any decisions are made carefully of course, but quickly.  He stated that the Cabinet Secretary is clear that he would like councils to lead and shape this agenda.  There are no plans or proposals or maps but more was expected to be heard in the spring.  The Leader stated that whatever the latest plans are from Cardiff Bay the Council would continue to focus on working with all its partners, balancing the budget and modernising services and investing in the future.


The Leader also announced that earlier this month, the Minister for Housing and Regeneration Rebecca Evans AM visited the town centre to officially open the landmark Rhiw gateway development, which incorporates a modern multi-storey car park, 28 apartments with dedicated parking, and also a soon to be open health club on the ground floor.  He stated that the £10m project has been funded with around £5.7m from the Welsh Government’s Vibrant and Viable Places programme, along with contributions from Coastal Housing Group, Bridgend County Borough Council and a Social Housing Grant.  The investment has provided the Council with not only a chance to replace the old car park, also a new community living at the heart of the town centre.  There was now a waiting list for the smart, well designed and very energy efficient apartments that have beautiful views of the valleys and hills in the north of the borough.  The tenants, the couple, that he and the Cabinet Education and Regeneration had met, were thrilled with their new home.


He congratulated all who had played a part in delivering this major project. Efforts were continuing to revitalise the town and he looked forward to seeing the new building offering commercial opportunities and new homes on Nolton Street and to seeing the restored historic Davies Building on the corner of Queen and Caroline Street.


He also announced that Members will have noted the extensive media coverage of the Caerau Minewater project, which was launched recently by Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths.

With £6.5m funding in place for the scheme, this is a UK-first that could pave the way for heating thousands of homes cheaply and cleanly using geo thermal techniques made possible by the area’s industrial heritage.  He  understood that a similar initiative is already running successfully in Holland where the town of Heerlen is benefitting from the scheme.   He stated that the Caerau project has the potential to put Bridgend County Borough on a global map, and placed the County Borough at the forefront of this exciting development.  He thanked everyone who had helped to make it a reality, and looked forward to hearing more about how it is progressing.


The Leader announced that two letters had been received from Lesley Griffiths AM, Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs the first inviting the Council to undertake a joint Local Development Plan with RCT and Caerphilly.  The second letter invited the Council to develop a strategic development plan.  He stated that it was critical to managed long term planning that an up-to-date LDP is in place, and work needs to start work on the next LDP now to have it in place in time for the end of the current LDP.  He informed Council that the Cardiff Capital Region Joint Cabinet discussed the invitation on Monday and given the uncertainty about the future and the different stages each authority is at on the LDP cycle it was decided not to purse joint LDPs but a SDP for South East Wales.  He stated that this was a major commitment in the Cardiff Capital City Region Deal and would be an important tool in planning a shared long term vision for the region.


The Leader announced that he had been invited by the Secretary of State for Wales to the Severn Growth Summit.  He stated that the Secretary of State has a long-term vision for increased cross-border integration between South East Wales and South West England.  The Leader took the opportunity to speak to senior representatives of Great Western Rail and ask that in their new franchise they consider additional services from London or Bristol or extending services that terminate in Cardiff to Swansea or Bridgend.  This would enhance the frequency for Bridgend residents travelling east and west but also help relieve pressure on Cardiff Central Station which is bursting at the seams and cannot accommodate significant additional services.  The Leader encouraged Members to take part in the consultation , which closes at 11:45pm on 21st February 2018.  He stated that the Council would make a submission and meet with representatives.