The Development Planning Manager presented a report together with attached Appendices 1 and 2, regarding an update on the response to the Cabinet Secretary, Lesley Griffiths letters regarding her invitation to undertake Joint Local Development Plans and a regional Strategic Development Plan.
The Cabinet Secretary has invited positive responses to the invitation to be submitted by 28th February 2018. Until such time Welsh Government will not agree to the progression of any plan individually.
With respect to Joint Local Plans, the invitation is to give serious consideration to preparing a joint plan with RCT and Caerphilly Council’s.
The timing of the letters have significant implications for Bridgend given the imperative to start work immediately on a Review of its LDP which will expire in 2021. An up-to-date development plan is important to guide sustainable development and promote investment opportunities and prevent inappropriate development.
In order to determine the most appropriate way forward, that will maintain plan coverage and the best planning outcomes, a number of realistic options are considered and risk assessed, and it is intended that this will inform this Council’s response to the Minister.
The following options were being considered she explained:-
1. Preparation of a SDP only with no individual reviews of our existing LDP until the SDP is adopted.
2. Individual Review of the LDP whilst simultaneously working collaboratively on the SDP with the region.
3. Collaboration ‘Plus’ with an individual review of Bridgend’s LDP whilst working simultaneously with RCT (and other LPAs) to prepare a joint evidence base and also with the region to prepare a SDP.
4. A Joint LDP with RCT and Caerphilly whilst simultaneously working collaborating with the region to prepare a SDP.
5. A Joint LDP with just RCT whilst simultaneously working collaboratively with the region to prepare a SDP.
Each option was outlined and considered in the report (paragraph 1.9 referred), and what is emerging from the exercise and views across the region is that there are benefits and widespread support across the region to prepare a SDP. However, there are risks to Bridgend if, as under Option 1, we were to forego preparation of an LDP, given that there would be a likely policy vacuum beyond 2021 up until the time the SDP is adopted and work can progress in earnest on LDP ‘lites’.
It is also emerging from this exercise and across the region that there are considerable risks and complications and no appetite to progress Joint LDPs. For Bridgend, there would still be a policy vacuum given the complexity of preparing Joint Plans, which are not likely to be in place before 2021, as outlined in Options 4 and 5.
The most favourable Options are 2 and 3, where Bridgend simultaneously works on its LDP Review and also works collaboratively on the SDP. Option 3 – Collaboration ‘Plus’ is likely to be the most cost effective and expedient, with a replacement LDP in place by the critical date of 2021.
The report details why it is so important for Bridgend to maintain plan coverage, given the lack of a 5 year land supply and a need to identify new sites. A replacement Plan would guide development to the right locations and as a Local Planning Authority we would not be dictated to by the development industry, or suffer from ‘planning by appeal’, which could undermine any future Development Strategy for Bridgend and even the future direction of a SDP.
It is the view of Officers, that it is the role of the SDP to effectively manage cross boundary issues, which is cited by the Minister as one of the primary reasons for undertaking joint plans. It is not the function of sub-regional plans, which a number of Joint LDPs across the region would result in, which would exclude Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. Cross boundary issues can be effectively managed by undertaking an individual review by working closely and collaboratively with our neighbours and the region and having as far as possible, a shared evidence base.
Officers will continue to work on the responses to the Minister, and a further report will be presented to Council on 28th February next.
As a further update the Development Planning Manager added, Leaders across the region considered the Ministers letters last Monday and the Leader reported verbally at Council yesterday that there is a general consensus to prepare a SDP, but that Joint LDP would be a distraction from this important work. He stated that it was vital for Bridgend to maintain plan coverage.
Finally, she concluded her submission by advising that it was Officers views that this will be most effectively maintained by undertaking an individual LDP Review with close collaboration with the region.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted.
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