Agenda item

Proposed Health Board Boundary change - Consultation: Effective Partnership Working in Bridgend


The Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing submitted a report that:-


  • Informed Council of the joint working with Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University (ABMU) Health Board and how this has helped to shape sustainable services for the future;
  • Ensured that Elected Members are aware of the implications of the Bridgend area of ABMU Health Board moving into the Cwm Taff University Health Board; and
  • To seek Council approval of the BCBC formal response to Welsh Government on the consultation document, ‘Effective Partnership

Working in Bridgend, regarding the proposed health board boundary change to align decision-making across health and local government’.


The Chief Executive gave an introduction to the report, and after summarising certain background information, he advised that at the end of last year Welsh Government issued a consultation as outlined in bullet point 3 above, which closed on 7 March 2018, which was attached at Appendix 1 to the report.


He confirmed that the proposed health board boundary change set out in the consultation had been developed, following the responses to the White Paper ‘Reforming Local Government-Resilient and Renewed.’


He explained that this consultation sought views on a proposal that healthcare services for people in the area of Bridgend County Borough Council, should be provided by Cwm Taf University Health Board instead of ABMU, in order to align decision-making across health and local government.


The Chief Executive stated that in order to best meet people’s needs and expectations, to secure the best outcomes for people local, regionally and in Wales, public services need to be able to work together effectively. While boundaries should not be a barrier to delivering the outcomes Wales needs, unnecessary complexity, especially in decision-making, could make this more difficult and limit opportunities to serve the public even better.


He then confirmed that the intention for the proposed change was to provide clarity and consistency for more effective leadership and partnership; supporting the ambitions of Bridgend County Borough Council and  its strategic partners in meeting the needs of our communities.


The Chief Executive advised Members that at the next meeting of Council, Members would receive a Presentation from Cwm Taf University Health Board after the consultation has closed, so that they can explain how they work and integrate with local authorities. He considered this was important in order to get a sense from them what they regarded important from working collaboratively.


He then further advised Members that the Corporate Director - Social Services and Wellbeing would give a brief Presentation to better inform our response to the consultation;  to give a flavour of what we see important in the area of health and social care, and finally to ensure that our response to the consultation is informed.   


The Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing gave a Presentation, the thrust of which was to re-cap on the context element of social care; to focus on the main areas currently of integration with the ABMU, and to conclude the Presentation by highlighting the Council’s future priorities.


Following conclusion of the Presentation, the Mayor invited questions from the floor.


A Member asked if Overview and Scrutiny would have a role to play in any changes should they go ahead.


The Leader replied that they would as soon as the consultation was concluded, and the future of the Health Board was decided upon.


In response to a further Member’s question, the Leader confirmed that key local partners such as the South Wales Police and Fire Service had been consulted on the proposals and were supportive of these, as were Merthyr and Rhondda Cynon Taf Council’s. Obviously, ABMU were disappointed, though they recognised the reasons behind Welsh Government’s proposals.


The Mayor asked if the Ambulance Service had been notified of the proposal.


The Leader confirmed that they hadn’t, but that he would take the necessary steps to ensure that they were.


A Member asked for some assurance that certain local health community services would remain in place following any change, making particular reference to Maesteg Community Hospital.


The Leader replied that these services would not be affected, as it was Cwm Taf’s vision to deliver more services in the community, and where possible, less acute and hospital based facilities.


The Chief Executive added, that Cwm Taf were in a stronger financial position than ABMU.


A Member noted that there would be, in all probability, at least as good availability of services locally if the proposal goes ahead to join with Cwm Taf. She asked however, if services for individuals further afield would be compromised if the change was proceeded with, ie private transfers and the like.


The Leader assured that there would be no change or cut of service here, and that people who needed this type of care in, for example a hospital environment out of the Bridgend area, would continue to receive this. There were no proposals to change patient flows currently in place he concluded.


RESOLVED:                That Council approved the consultation response attached at Appendix 2 to the report, and await further information following the relevant Welsh Government announcements.      

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