Agenda item

Review of Post-16 Education (Phase 2)


The Interim Corporate Director – Education and Family Support submitted a report, the purpose of which was to provide detailed feedback to Cabinet on the feasibility analysis of the concepts described in the report of the Post-16 Operational Board and subsequent submission by the Strategic Review Board (SRB) to Cabinet on 31 October 2017. In addition, the report sought Cabinet approval to go to public consultation on the six concepts set out at paragraph 3.6. Finally, it confirmed of the further work undertaken that has been presented in a report to the Post-16 Education (Phase Two) Board. The key objectives for this phase of work are set out at paragraph 3 of the report.


After briefly giving a resume of the report, the Interim Corporate Director – Education and Family Support then handed over to the Specialist Officer Post-16 Education and Training to expand upon more of the detail of the report.


He advised that after the report had been presented to the above meeting of Cabinet, work was undertaken to define the Phase 2 programme, with the key objectives for the Phase 2 Post-16 work stream defined in paragraph 3.1 of the report.


The Specialist Officer Post-16 Education and Training stated that with the other strategic work streams now concluded, it was agreed to merge the Post-16 Operational Board with the Strategic Review Board (SRB) into a single Post-16 Phase Two Board.  The collective membership was agreed along with a Terms of Reference which was detailed at Appendix 2 to the report.


In setting out to review the provision of post-16 education across Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC), the Post-16 Operational Board established a set of key ambitions upon which any new system would need to deliver. To this end, a number of these were proposed by learners in our schools, and they were detailed in Appendix 3 (of the report).


Paragraph 3.4 of the report outlined, that in order to make the assessment programme more manageable, the Post-16 Operational Board identified the 16 most critical ambitions, and each of the concepts was assessed against its ability to deliver on these as contained in this part of the report.


The Specialist Officer Post 16 Education and Training, then referred Cabinet to paragraph 3.5 of the report that summarised the original list of concepts under consideration (ie Concepts 1 – 6) and these were explained in turn, in paragraph 3.7 of the report. Appendix 5 of the report outlined the key issues associated with each of these concepts.


In addition, the SRB proposed three other elements to be considered, and these were shown in paragraph 3.9 of the report, while the Specialist Officer Post-16 Education and Training also confirmed, that since the SRB report was presented to Cabinet last October, additional detailed work had been undertaken in order to gain further insights into Post-16 provision, and details of these along with a number of other recent significant updates were shown in paragraphs 3.10 and 3.11 of the report.


The Specialist Officer Post 16 Education and Training reaffirmed that it was generally recognised by the local authority, schools and Bridgend College, that the current partnership arrangements were not fit for purpose, and therefore due to this, the next sections of the report expanded upon future viable options to consider, in order to improve the situation going forward. He then expanded upon these for the benefit of Members. This part of the report also gave reasons for the concerns associated with the current arrangements in place.


He added that the local authority would commence work with schools in summer term 2018, in order to inform the planning and preparation work ahead of implementation in September 2019, and some proposals that required addressing here were itemised in paragraph 4.9 of the report. Also considered he further added were the following:-


·         Blended and e-learning;

·         Movement of staff between schools (as this was cheaper and more efficient that moving staff);

·         Future methods to cater for Welsh-medium provision;

·         Schools with a religious character (faith schools); and

·         Additional learning needs and special school provision


The Interim Corporate Director – Education and Family Support then concluded Officers submissions by advising Cabinet of the report’s very important financial implications.


The Cabinet Member – Education and Regeneration advised that he was happy to support the recommendations of the report, and move to the next stage of consultation. He felt that common timetabling of educational options possibly needed to be examined, including improved methods for initiatives such as blended e-learning. A high level of improved collaboration was also required he felt, between schools, colleges and other Post-16 providers, including the further use of apprentices through the vocational route.


The Leader added that consultation with the public and learners was very important with regards to ascertaining which of the Concepts to follow and subsequently adopt, moving forward, which would result in improved outcomes in the future.


RESOLVED:                 That Cabinet:


(1)  Gave approval for a public consultation on the six concepts and preferred options for post-16 provision across BCBC (the consultation will be undertaken between June and December 2018);


(2)  Noted the proposed changes to the model of collaboration for post-16 provision across BCBC for implementation from September 2019;


(3)  Noted the feedback on e-learning and the intention to develop blended learning approaches in the delivery of post-16 education;


(4)  Noted the continued collaboration and partnership arrangements for Welsh-medium post-16 provision;


(5)  Noted the support from the faith schools sector for improved collaboration and to maintain dialogue between Archbishop McGrath Catholic High School and  St. Joseph’s Catholic High School in Neath Port Talbot;


(6)  Noted the feedback from schools to the movement of staff between educational settings;


(7)  Noted that a further report on post-16 progression for learners with additional learning needs will be prepared during the summer term 2018; and


 (8) Noted the ongoing developments in relation to the Penybont  Sixth Form College.

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