Agenda item

Domestic Abuse, Violence Against Women and Sexual Violence: Update on Support for Victims in Bridgend County Borough


The Corporate Director – Operational and Partnership Services submitted a report, the purpose of which, was to inform Committee of the issues faced by victims of domestic abuse, violence against women and sexual violence in BCB communities, and to outline support avenues available for such victims.


The Chairperson introduced to the meeting, the Regional Business Manager from Calan DVS and the Council’s Domestic Abuse Co-ordinator, who gave a joint power point presentation on this important topic.


The presentation covered the following issues:-


·         Background and aim

·         Domestic Abuse in Bridgend

·         How is Bridgend responding


·         Victims

·         Perpetrators

·         Children

·         Assia Suite (One-Stop shop of support)


The avenues of assistance provided by the introduction of the ‘Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (Wales) Act 2015’ – Royal Assent for which was given on 29 April 2015.


The above Act was also supported by certain other key pieces of legislation, such as The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, amongst others.


The aim of the first mentioned Act above, was to prevent, protect and support victims.


The provisions of the Act will ensure each relevant authority works to a shared, collective strategic vision, leading to improved more consistent services for those affected by violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence. The Act also creates high profile leadership on the various issues, to ensure they are prioritised at a local and national level.


The Officers explained, that the Act also introduced requirements for:


a)    Welsh Ministers to:


1.    Prepare and publish a National Strategy;

2.    Appoint a National Advisor on Violence against Women and other forms of Gender-based Violence, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence.


b)    Local Authorities, Local Health Boards, Fire and Rescue Authorities and NHS Trusts (the relevant authorities), to prepare and publish strategies to contribute to the pursuit of the purpose of the Act


c)    Local Authorities to report on how they are addressing GBV, DA, SV matters within their educational functions, including any action taken within schools.


How is Bridgend Responding?


  • National Training Framework – to ensure all members of staff are trained appropriate to the roles and responsibilities (through Welsh Government guidance powers)
  • Refuge (female)
  • Refuge (Male) (presently at the stage of exploration)
  • Assia Suite
  • Support Avenues for children and young people
  • Support Avenues for victims
  • Assessment for Families
  • Intervention methods for perpetrators


The Presenting Officers in turn, expanded upon each of the above mechanisms of support, for the benefit of Members.


The report (and presentation) advised that the topic subject of debate, was collectively defined as:


“any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality.”


This could encompass but was not limited to abuse categories such as, for example, the following:-


  1. Psychological
  2. Physical
  3. Sexual
  4. Financial
  5. Emotional


Persons affected by Domestic Violence etc, were women, men, disability, ethnicity, age, and groups such as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT).


The Members made the following points as part of their observations on Domestic Abuse and Violence etc:-


  1. The importance of early intervention and prevention mechanisms being put in place;
  2. The importance of all contributing agencies working cohesively and at the same pace and with the same common goals;
  3. Developing further Domestic Violence preventative and control measures etc, against men as well as women;
  4. A request for further data (above that contained in the report and presentation) detailing the number and different types of Domestic Violence that occurs across different groups of society, including for transgender (further including those in refuge);
  5. There is enough support in place for elderly people who may suffer from Domestic Abuse;
  6. That adequate measures of control are in place to support any new partners of high risk perpetrators.


The Leader and Cabinet Member Social Services and Early Help closed debate on this item, by applauding the amount of work that was being down by the relevant partner organisations who worked together to provide support to victims of Domestic Violence, and welcomed further increased data, such as the evaluation of different trends; who was most at risk; and further information regarding positive outcomes for victims, etc.


He felt that information along the lines of this could be incorporated in a report at a future date to Cabinet.


RESOLVED:              That the report be noted.

Supporting documents: