Agenda item

Bridgend County Borough Council Biodiversity and Ecosystems Resilience Forward Plan, 2018-2022


The Corporate Director – Communities submitted a report that sought approval of Cabinet for the BCBC Ecosystems Resilience Forward Plan 2018-2022, and the implementation of resulting actions.


By way of background information, he advised that the Environment (Wales) Act 2016 places a new duty on public authorities, including local Councils to: enhance biodiversity; increase resilience of ecosystems; move from reactive approaches to preserve biodiversity towards proactive intervention to enhance biodiversity; and to publish and review a Biodiversity Plan which is to be reviewed every three years.


The approach required by the legislation is for public bodies to approach this plan using a set of core principles, called sustainable management of natural resources (SMNR).


The Corporate Director – Communities referred to paragraphs 3.3 and 3.4 of the report, which confirmed of the work to date that had been committed towards the Plan.


He then advised that under the Act of 2016, public authorities are required to maintain and enhance biodiversity so far as is consistent with the proper exercise of their functions, and in doing so, promote the resilience of ecosystems.


Paragraph 4.2 of the report then outlined what the BCBC would be tasked to do in order to comply with its duty as expressed above, whilst Appendix 1 to the report included a Biodiversity and Ecosystems Resilience Forward Plan 2018-2022, which accomplished this.


The Corporate Director – Communities added that part of the wider delivery system includes the Local Biodiversity Action Plan (2014) produced in conjunction with Bridgend Biodiversity Partnership and Environment Systems Ltd. This provided a detailed overview and assessment of Bridgend’s biodiversity and ecosystems services.


He then referred to paragraph 4.5 of the report which outlined the work progressed so far in respect of the development of the Plan.


Paragraph 4.6 of the report then outlined in bullet point format, what the development of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems Resilience Forward Plan 2018-2022 had involved, while paragraph 4.7 contained a range of actions which sought to deliver an enhanced approach to BER in the categories confirmed in this section of the report.


The Corporate Director – Communities then referred to paragraph 4.8 of the report which stated the framework that would support the Plan.


In terms of the report’s financial implications, the Corporate Director – Communities stated that in the main, the Plan would be supported by core funding and external funding, as was set out in it within the Appendix to the report.


The Cabinet Member – Education and Regeneration advised that the main focus of the Plan was on the five Nature Reserves the Council own or manage, together with a considerable number of other ‘pockets’ of areas of ecological and biodiversity areas in the County Borough. A major asset he added was the Kenfig Nature Reserve, where there would be in the future a change in management arrangements, and this would be the subject of a further report to Cabinet, together with an update on the ecology of the dunes. He added that school children were also excelling in biodiversity and ecological issues


The Leader added that effective levels of biodiversity in the County Borough were dependent upon support from a number of key partners, and the Corporate Director – Communities agreed with this, adding that the section of his Department that dealt with Natural Resources issues, now only consisted of two members of staff, but the Act applied also to all partner organisations also, that included both the private and voluntary sector.


The Leader concluded debate on this item, by concurring with this, adding that most schools in the County Borough had now received Green and Platinum Flag awards in part for their contribution in helping improve biodiversity.


RESOLVED:                That Cabinet:


(1)                                                                                                           (1)      Approved the Biodiversity and Ecosystems    Resilience Plan 2018-2022

                                      (2)                                         (2)      Authorised the Corporate Director Communities to implement the Biodiversity and Ecosystems Resilience Business Plan 2018-2022 attached at Appendix 1 to the report.

                                      (3)                                          (3)    That a further report be awaited on outcomes of the work with partners in Bridgend relating to improving and protecting biodiversity, etc. in the various special ecological areas situate within the County Borough.     

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