Agenda item

Forward Work Programme (FWP) Update


The Scrutiny Officer presented a report on the above to:


a)        present the items prioritised by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee including the next item delegated to this Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee;


b)        present the Committee with a list of further potential items for comment and prioritisation;


c)        ask the Committee to identify any further items for consideration using the pre-determined criteria form;


d)        Consider and approve the feedback from the previous meetings of the Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 and note the list of responses including any still outstanding at Appendix A.


 Attached at Appendix B to the report, was the overall FWP for the Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committees (SOSCs) which includes the topics prioritised by the COSC for the next set of SOSCs in Table A, as well as topics that were deemed important for future prioritisation at Table B.  This has been compiled from suggested items from each of the SOSCs at previous meetings as well as the COSC. It also included information proposed from Corporate Directors, detail from research undertaken by Scrutiny Officers and information from FWP Development meetings between the Scrutiny Chairs and Cabinet.


Arising from consideration of the information detailed in the report, it was


RESOLVED:                  That Committee noted the report and supporting information attached to this in the form of Appendices A, B and C.    

Supporting documents: