Agenda item

Rationalisation of Supported Bus Services 2018/2019


The Corporate Director Communities reported on the outcome of the public consultation exercise undertaken to reduce the amount of subsidy by the Council for bus services by £188,000 as agreed in the Medium Term Financial Strategy.  He also sought the views of Cabinet as to whether on the basis of the consultation exercise and the comments made by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee; any changes should be made to the original proposal.    


He reported that the Council and Welsh Government support the provision of regional and local bus services by subsidising routes that are not commercially viable.  These services serve routes that enable residents who live along them to access employment, education, health care and social activities.    He informed Cabinet that a savings target of of £188,000 in 2018/19 was identified in Medium Term Financial Strategy, which would leave £130,000 for supported bus services.


The Corporate Director Communities outlined a table which identified bus routes which it was proposed will have their financial subsidy removed and which formed the basis of consultation.  Consultation on the proposed service reductions has been implemented to gather views and opinions on the potential impact of the reductions in order to meet the proposed budget reduction of £188,000 in 2018/19, as part of the Council's Medium Term Financial Strategy.  He highlighted the responses received to the consultation and commented that it was clear that the majority of respondents considered that the loss of local bus services is of concern to communities.  He informed Cabinet that it was unknown at the present time if the commercial element of bus services would continue to operate on the partly funded routes, or if the commercial element would be extended into the currently subsidised services.  It was also unknown whether the current Community Transport operator would be able to replace any or all of the proposed bus routes identified for withdrawal.  Officers will continue to work and liaise with the Community Transport operator to focus on the areas of Bridgend which have reduced local bus services and seek to ensure that the community transport service provided is as effective as possible.  The consultation was considered by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee and he highlighted the matters raised by the Committee and the responses by officers to those points for consideration by Cabinet. 


The Corporate Director Communities informed Cabinet that if the full level of saving of £188,000 approved in the MTFS, as a result of the proposal to remove subsidies for the identified routes is not met, it would need to be met from elsewhere, either from additional savings elsewhere in the Communities Directorate or offset by allocating funding from the small unallocated budget as a result increasing the Council Tax from 4.2% to 4.5%. 


The Cabinet Member Communities thanked the citizens of the Borough for engaging in the consultation process and that the public meetings which he had attended were well conducted and measured.  He believed there was scope for maintaining subsidy to the 3 services which had scored the highest following assessment by officers, namely services numbered 51, 803 and 61 for 1 year only, to allow officers to engage with bus operators and engage with Town and Community Councils.  He informed Cabinet that many local authorities had removed all subsidies from local bus routes and he asked that bus operators work with the Council in order to salvage services. 


The Deputy Leader stated that the Council was not cutting bus routes, but was removing subsidies from routes and he encouraged the public to use public transport.  He also stated there was a duty on the Council to use public funds wisely and that discussions could be held with the Health Board and Town and Community Councils in order to make a contribution towards the subsidy of routes to assist the public in accessing health care and community facilities.  The Cabinet Member Education and Regeneration commented on the need to sustain services and to work with the bus operators, especially those routes which have a long history, are well used and are strategically important.  


The Leader commented on the need for the Council to make savings of £32m over the next 4 years and it was important that Cabinet respond to the consultation in order to try and sustain some of the services.  He stated that officers will work with developers of new housing to seek contributions in order to sustain bus routes where possible.     


RESOLVED:            That Cabinet:


(1)          Considered the content of the consultation report and Equality Impact Assessment, together with the comments made by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee; 


(2)         Determined that it wished to maintain the subsidy to the 3 services which had scored the highest following assessment by officers, namely services numbered 51, 803 and 61 for 1 year and approved that unallocated funding set aside from the additional increase in Council Tax is used to offset any reduction in the approved saving in the MTFS of £188,000;   


Authorised officers to enter into vigorous dialogue with bus operators to maintain other services the subject of subsidy.

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