Agenda item

Public Consultation Public Spaces Protection Order Control of Dogs


The Corporate Director Communities presented a report, the purpose of which, was to seek authority to conduct an additional consultation in relation to Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO’s), further to the consultation that occurred in July-Oct 2017. This consultation would specifically be to introduce dog fouling and other dog controls in Bridgend County Borough Council.


By way of background information, the Head of Neighbourhood Services confirmed that through a report dated 27 June 2017 entitled PSPO’s, Cabinet approved a Consultation to seek views on the creation of these, for the purposes outlined in paragraph 3.1 of the report.


He added that whilst initially Orders would relate to the control of dogs were not included in the PSPO consultation, following a number of Member representations requesting that greater steps be taken to combat the issues of irresponsible dog ownership, inclusion of a PSPO consultation to also address this area, was now being proposed.


The next part of the report outlined the unsightly, unpleasant and danger to people’s health that can be caused by dog excrement, and that while the majority of dog owners were responsible, there were a minority who allowed their dog to foul in public places without cleaning the mess up after them, which could lead to a health issue, such as for example in playing fields etc.


The introduction of a PSPO advised the Head of Neighbourhood Services, can impose certain restrictions, that would assist in correcting irresponsible behaviour associated with a minority of dog owners.


Paragraph 4.6 of the report then confirmed the process to follow with regard to any consultation over the making of Public Spaces Protection Orders for the Control of Dogs, while paragraph 4.7 outlined the extent of areas the Orders would cover, as well as what the provisions of the Orders would contain in relation to control measures for dog owners and the level of fine if an owner was caught contravening the provisions of such Orders.


The Head of Neighbourhood Services concluded his submission, by advising that the public consultation would also concentrate on the views of disabled groups, and in particular, any impact the Orders would have on this contingency of dog owners.


The Cabinet Member – Communities commended the report, adding that if the Orders were introduced, they would allow for better control over anyone caught breaching the provisions of such Orders.


The Cabinet Member – Social Services and Early Help stated that he hoped the Orders would be complimented by the extra provision of dog litter bins being placed in areas of the County Borough, in order that owners have sufficient receptacles where they could deposit dog fouling they collect from their animal.


The Leader advised that responsible dog owners had nothing to fear from the proposals contained in the report, and that Cabinet would await with interest the outcome of the public consultation. He asked what the definition was of ‘public places’.


The Head of Legal and Regulatory Services and Monitoring Officer replied that this meant any location where the public had access to be this paid or open access. Signage could then be put in place advising the public that the Orders were in place there. 


RESOLVED:                  That Cabinet agreed to:-


1.    Undertake a public consultation exercise on the proposal to make a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to introduce dog controls in Bridgend County Borough as detailed in section 4 of the report, specifically:


·                        The prohibition of dog fouling in all public places;

·                         A requirement to carry bags or other suitable means for the disposal of dog faeces;

·                         A requirement allowing authorised officers to give a direction that a dog be put and kept on a lead if necessary.


Receive a further report detailing the responses to the public consultation previously undertaken as per paragraph 3.1 of the report, and the consultation proposed in this report, together with any recommendations for proposed PSPOs.

Supporting documents: