Agenda item

Internal Audit - Outturn Report - April to July 2018


The Chief Internal Auditor submitted a report, the purpose of which, was to inform the Audit Committee of actual Internal Audit performance against the period April to July 2018 of the Audit Plan year.


By way of background information, she advised that the Internal Audit Plan for 2018/19 was submitted to the Audit Committee for consideration and approval in April last. This outlined the assignments to be carried out and their respective priorities.


She added that the Plan provided for a total of 1,000 productive days to cover the financial year 2018/19. These days were split into those reviews considered to be Priority One and those considered to be Priority Two with the aim of completing the whole plan by the end of the financial year.


Actual progress against the 2018/19 Risk Based Plan was attached at Appendix A to the report, whilst further information was attached at Appendix B, detailing those reviews which have not yet been allocated in the respective quarters, and those reviews which have been brought forward from future quarters. Some reviews had not as yet been allocated, due to limited staffing resources. The shortfall here had equated to 40 working days, though it was anticipated that this work would be made-up prior to the end of the financial year.


The report then gave an outline of the staffing compliment in the Internal Audit section, and though there had been a successful recruitment exercise in recent months, the section still carried some vacant posts.


In order to assist with the effective monitoring of the annual risk based plan, further information was attached at Appendix C, detailing all those reviews which have been completed during the period and performance.


The Chief Internal Auditor further added that during the period only one review had identified significant weaknesses in the system of internal control so far to date, and further information was provided in the appendix referred to immediately above.


Members asked questions on the reports supporting information, including on the audit of the work areas of Direct Payments and Domiciliary Care allocated to SWAP, and whether or not they would be required to support further audit related work in the future, due to a lack of internal resources.


A Member then referred to Appendix C to the report, and the review of Flying Start, and the limited assurance given to this following an audit of the service area previously undertaken.


She asked if the areas of weaknesses identified were linked, as she was aware from the report, that there had been two investigations in this work area, commenced under the Council’s Disciplinary Policy, one of which had been referred to the Police. She asked if these investigations were linked.


Following the advice of Officers, it was agreed that the Committee go into closed session in order that a response could be given to this question.




RESOLVED:                    That under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) (Wales) Order 2007, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business as it contains exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 12, 13 and 18 of Part 4 and Paragraph 21 of Part 5 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) (Wales) Order 2007.


                                        Following the application of the public interest test in consideration of this item, it was resolved that pursuant to the Act referred to above, it be considered in private, with the public being excluded from the meeting as it would involve the disclosure to them of exempt information of the nature as stated above.

Supporting documents: