Agenda item

Community Asset Transfer of Tennis Court at Pencoed Recreation Ground and Consideration of Objections Received Pursuant to Section 123(2a) Local Government Act 1972


The Corporate – Director Communities submitted a report, which confirmed that the Council’s Community Asset Transfer Steering Group approved the 35 year leasehold transfer of the Tennis Court at Pencoed Recreation Ground to Pencoed Town Council on 30 October 2017, and as the site comprises public open space, the Council advertised the community asset transfer in accordance with Section 123(2A) of the Local Government Act 1972 and asked for any objections to be made in writing by no later than 13 July 2018. 


He added that the report before Members, outlined the objections received and Cabinet was being asked to consider this report and decide whether or not the Council should complete the leasehold transfer of the Tennis Court to enable it to be transformed into a Skateboard Park, by Pencoed Town Council. He further added that Cabinet needed also to weigh up the proposal against a considerable number of objections that had been made against this.


The Corporate Director – Communities advised that the Tennis Court in question was located at Pencoed Recreation Ground, Felindre Road, Pencoed, as shown shaded green on the plan attached at Appendix A to the report.


The report gave some significant background information, following which the Corporate Director – Communities referred Members to Appendix B, which outlined current charges for the use of sports facilities for users of these, as well as further details regarding subsidy levels and income generated from the hiring of the facilities.  This section of the report advised that the Skateboard Park would assist in promoting good health and provide an additional and increasingly popular activity for young persons to participate in. Pencoed Town Council had received some funding under the Town/Community Council Capital Grant Fund towards the cost of such a facility, approval for which had previously been given by Cabinet.


The next section of the report gave further details regarding objections received to the proposal, as shown in Appendices C and D of the report.


He referred Members to paragraph 4.11 of the report whereby it listed Pencoed Town Council’s responses to the objections so received.


The Cabinet Member – Communities advised that the Tennis Court was under used and in a poor state of repair and there was insufficient funding available to upgrade this, whilst there was an avenue of funding under the Town and Community Council Capital Grant Fund 2018-19 for the provision of the proposed development for a Skateboard Park, assisted by further  funding from the Pencoed Town Council. He had noted the reasons for objection to this as detailed in the report, and also the response of the Pencoed Town Council to these, and was happy to support the proposal in the report through a Community Asset Transfer arrangement, which would provide an alternative recreation facility based on its popularity with constituents from the particular area.


This was supported by the Cabinet Member – Education and Regeneration, and he applauded the Pencoed Town Council for supporting the facility, which was based upon what was in demand for this location in terms of recreation and amenity.


The Leader asked if the Corporate Director – Communities could confirm if the provision of the Skateboard Park had the support of young people through consultation as part of the Pencoed Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan.


The Corporate Director – Communities confirmed this to be the case.


The Leader concluded debate on this item, by confirming that the provision of the facility would not prejudice the provision of a tennis court at this or another location within Pencoed, should it be proven in the future that there is sufficient demand for this.


RESOLVED:                       That Cabinet, having considered the report and the objections received in response to the Notices published in accordance with Section 123 (2A) of the Local Government Act 1972, authorised the community asset transfer of the Tennis Court at Pencoed Recreation Ground to Pencoed Town Council so that it can be subject to development as a Skateboard Park.

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