Agenda item

Local Air Quality Management - Annual Progress Report 2018


The Head of Legal and Regulatory Services presented a report, the purpose of which was to share with Cabinet the 2018 Local Air Quality Management Annual Progress Report (APR) for Bridgend County Borough Council. The report required Cabinet approval in order to submit a final version to Welsh Government.


Representatives from the Shared Regulatory Services were in attendance to present the report, and the Leader welcomed them to the meeting.


A member of the above team by way of background information, advised that the Local Air Quality Management process (LAQM), places a statutory obligation on all local authorities to regularly review and assess air quality in their areas and to determine whether the air quality objectives to protect health are likely to be achieved.  Where exceedances occur or are considered likely to occur, the local authority must declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and prepare an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) setting out the measures it intends to put in place in pursuit of the objectives.


The Annual Progress Report provides details on the ratified data for the air quality monitoring undertaken in 2017 within Bridgend County Borough Council. 


It was confirmed by Officers that the Annual Progress Report confirmed that in general air quality within the BCB continued to meet the relevant air quality objectives as prescribed under the relevant Regulations, however, it was notable that Park Street, Bridgend was a specific area of concern, for the reasons specified in paragraphs 4.3 to 4.6 of the report.


In line with Welsh Government’s Policy Guidance, following submission of the 2018 Annual Progress Report, the Council will make an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) Order for the Park Street Area. There would be a further report submitted to a future meeting of Cabinet which would be accompanied by an appropriate technical report, setting out the reasons why the Order is required. A Draft Air Quality Action Plan will also need to be implemented it was further confirmed.


An Officer from the Shared Regulatory Services further added that a Working Group had been established with key partners, in order to ascertain why the air quality in the above area did not meet the relevant objectives.


It was also confirmed that as of yet there were no financial implications arising from the report. However, there may be as a result of the investigation being fully undertaken.


The Leader advised that there was a planning application being considered by Council at tomorrow’s meeting, and he would be interested to know if the extended works to be carried out there would have a negative impact on the air quality at this location.


An Officer replied by stating that this was something that would in all probability be monitored by Rockwool through looking at any increase with regard to movement of HGV’s and emissions that may arise from this. He added that the Service could look at this area further as part of its Air Quality Review next year.


The Cabinet Member – Communities concluded debate by advising that it may be prudent to look at similar air quality readings at Walters Road, Bridgend, as there was a considerable number of queuing of vehicles at this location that could give rise to extra vehicle emissions.


RESOLVED:                      (1)  That Cabinet approved the 2018 Annual Progress Report on Local Air Quality Management for BCBC (attached at Appendix 1 to the report), for submission as a final version to Welsh Government before 30 September 2018.


                                           (2)  That Cabinet noted that it will receive a further report on the requirement for an Air Quality Management Area at Park Street, Bridgend.  

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