The Group Manager Integrated Working and Family Support presented a report providing Corporate Parenting Committee with an update on the support for Looked After Children in Education (LACE) across the local authority. The report specifically focussed on the support provided to and the attainment outcomes of Bridgend’s Looked After Children for the school year 2017-18. He explained that LAC often under achieved compared to their peers in terms of educational attainment and were less likely to progress into further education or training.
The Group Manager Integrated Working and Family Support explained that in May 2018, the role of supporting LACE moved to the Vulnerable Groups Team (VGT). The team worked in close partnership with Children’s Social Care and other Early Help services to ensure LAC were accessing good quality education that met their needs. He added that as at January 2018 there were 278 LAC pupils in Bridgend profiled against the school clusters detailed in the report. The Group Manager Integrated Working and Family Support reported that locally a significant amount of work was being undertaken to ensure the right support for all pupils was achieved. This included the development of the access to education panel (AEP). The panel was created to ensure that all children could access an education that met their needs in a timely manner.
The Group Manager Integrated Working and Family Support stated that VGT training included raising awareness across schools on the impact of becoming a looked after child, including the trauma and how this could affect a child’s ability to engage in learning. He explained the role of the authority in the development of a work experience and apprenticeship opportunity for LAC. All year 11 LAC learners had the opportunity to engage in work experience over the summer holidays and 7 took that opportunity resulting in 4 securing an Agored qualification.
The Group Manager Integrated Working and Family Support explained that a number of schools had introduced learning support assistants to assist with literacy and numeracy of LAC. This was a positive response and enabled more consistency of support.
A Member asked if there had been an increase in the number of LAC. The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing confirmed that numbers were relatively static, possibly down a little on last year.
The Group Manager Integrated Working and Family Support provided an update on Bridgend LAC school attainment across the different age groups. He added that generally they were in a very positive position. He identified an error in the way 9 of the 19 children in Level 2 and level 2+ were reported. He referred Members to the two case studies included in the report and concluded that there were no financial implications associated with the report however the LAC PDG distributed to schools for 2018-19 amounted to £240,987.
A Member asked if there were any LAC in pre-school and if the children attending Heronsbridge had been taken out of these results. She also asked if there were any LAC out of county and if their results were included in the figures. The Group Manager Integrated Working and Family Support confirmed there were pre-school LAC, he did not have the information to hand but would provide details following the meeting.
The Heronsbridge children had been included in the clusters. Members asked if they could be dealt with separately and the figures adjusted accordingly.
A Member said that results were very positive and asked if some clusters were performing better than others. The Group Manager Integrated Working and Family Support explained that it varied but generally they were all making progress but very small cohorts so it was difficult to compare like with like
A Member asked if the Pupil Development Grant was the same for primary school children. The Group Manager Integrated Working and Family Support explained that it was more a cluster bid rather than for individual schools.
A Member asked who represented the children at an Access to Education Panel. He was advised that the Corporate Director Education and Family Support chaired the Panel with representative from across the directorate including primary, secondary and special schools. This was helpful for schools and made it clear who they should contact and progress could be made quickly. The VGT played an important role and helped the authority meet its statutory responsibilities in identifying every vulnerable group and working closely to make sure they offered the best deal for learners as early as possible.
A Member asked for information on LAC out of county and if in terms of attainment they had the same opportunities. The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing explained that they were no less a priority but often had specialist needs in specialist placements.
The Leader stated that there had been positive progress made in the last year. The outcomes they would like to see in the next year were clear along with the actions necessary to make sure there were further improvements. Members welcomed the inclusion of case studies in the report.
RESOLVED: The Corporate Parenting Committee noted the content
of the report.
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