The Family Support Services Manager provided an update on the work completed to date in response to one of the recommendations made by the Institute of Public Care (IPC) specifically around the impact of early help services. In response to the recommendation - to review the impact early intervention services have to ensure that they are making a difference for children and families, existing services available within the Central Hub were reviewed.
The Family Support Services Manager outlined the services available within the Central Hub that supported children and young people open to Children’s Social Care. These services included Connecting Families, Western Bay Integrated Family Support Services (IFSS), Rapid Response, Baby in Mind Service and the Reflect Service. He also summarised local authority visits to Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council, Newport City Council and Carmarthenshire County Borough Council who were deemed to have good early help services. In addition a workshop was held in May 2018 to review existing services, share good practice and identify any perceived gaps in service provision. The Family Support Services Manager reported that following the visits and the workshop it was apparent that there was no significant difference in the way Bridgend delivered its services compared to those visited. He stressed that a number of new services had recently come into effect and the impact of these would be evaluated in due course.
The Family Support Services Manager added that all local authorities commented on the positive joint-working relationship between Early Help and Children’s Social Care in Bridgend. He believed it was evident that Bridgend was more advanced in relation to step up/step down work between Children’s Social Care and Early Help and seamless transitions for children and families. All local authorities appeared to be facing similar challenges.
The Family Support Services Manager outlined the matters previously presented to the local authority’s Corporate Management Board in September 2018 for information.
A Member asked if when children were taken into care, the families left behind were given support to make sure it didn’t happen again. The Family Support Services Manager explained that these families were closely supported by Barnardo’s.
A Member asked what support was given to these children to involve them in wider life experiences such as participating in football etc. The Group Manager, Case Management and Transition explained that foster carers were expected to support children and to prepare them for life in a positive way.
A Member asked if any Special Guardianship Orders (SGO) had broken down for financial reasons. He was advised that SGO’s did not break down for financial reasons. Existing carers could become SGO’s and the rates would be fixed for 2 years.
The Leader asked if SGO’s were given the same support as foster carers. The Group Manager Case Management and Transition explained that the support given to SGO’s in Bridgend was well regarded. There was a specialist team that focused on this area providing annual reviews and crisis support.
The Deputy Leader asked what the impact would be of moving from Western Bay to Cwm Taff. The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing explained that there were financial implications and with a 200% increase in referrals, it was important to deal with these as early as possible avoiding care costs. She added that a ministerial advisory group had recently visited 5 authorities including Bridgend. The team had given a presentation outlining 3 years of work and the improvements made. Further support had been promised by Welsh Government for LAC. Cwm Taff had been successful in bringing money into children’s services and social care however the majority of regional funding was in adult care. It was important to press for children’s social care in future. The level of Western Bay funding for Bridgend had been secured. The financial projections were that the bill for social care would be coming down because of progress made in other areas. They were starting to see better outcomes for children and also protect the budget.
RESOLVED: That the Corporate Parenting Committee noted the
considerations in the report and agreed to monitor progress towards the implementation of these as part of its forward work programme.
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