Agenda item

Porthcawl Regeneration Scheme Update


The Corporate Director – Communities submitted a report, the purpose of which, was to provide Cabinet with an update on the Porthcawl Regeneration Scheme, and to seek approval to present a report to Council proposing a revision to the capital programme to invest anticipated capital receipts arising from the sale of land, encompassing Salt Lake Car Park.


The report also sought approval to present a report to Council to secure match funding for coastal defence improvements which will unlock future development phases.


The report outlined certain background information, then confirmed  the various phases of the work comprising the scheme.


The Corporate Director – Communities advised that the scheme required processing in this manner, as prior considerations needed to be considered, for example market analysis, key infrastructure constraints, as well as cash flow considerations. A plan attached to the report set out the proposed phasing strategy of the scheme.


He then gave a resume for the benefit of Cabinet, of Phases 1 to 7 of the scheme inclusive, as was outlined in paragraphs 4.2 to 4.10 of the report.


The next section of the report included a summary of the various phases, which covered the following areas. He added that the plan would extend a period of 4 to 5 years:-


·         Phase 1 – Foodstore Site

·         Phase 2 – Housing

·         Phase 3 – Hillsboro Place Car Park

·         Phase 4 – Eastern Promenade and wider coastal flood defence works

·         Phase 5 & 6 – Housing Sites

·         Phase 7 – Leisure Site


The Corporate Director – Communities then expanded upon the investment of Capital Receipts and gave a summary of Actual Receipts and ways proposed to reinvest these.


This would result in more efficient car parking at Hillsboro Place Car Park; improvements to Salt Lake for it to be run as a public car park in the intervening period, prior to this area being brought forward for development (ie Phases 5 and 6 of the Scheme). He added that there was also proposed accessibility improvements to the Portway, to include crossing points and the potential of on-street parking to improve accessibility to the town centre.


He continued by advising that there was also intended, physical works to the leisure site to enable temporary uses to be brought forward as part of the interim Leisure Strategy, and finally, a series of physical improvements in other key areas, such as the gateway to the site (potentially in partnership with the Town Council), the promenade and pedestrian links to the town centre.


The Corporate Director – Communities then confirmed that the proposals in the report had been assessed against the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, a summary of which was shown in paragraphs 7 of the report.


He then concluded his submission, by advising of the report’s financial implications and requested that £2.64m of project costs associated with the development of Porthcawl Strategic Regeneration Scheme are included in the capital programme.


The Cabinet Member – Education and Regeneration advised that the Council had always wished for quality rather than quantity to be the overriding factor of the scheme going forward, and felt that it would be beneficial if as part of the scheme the Portway was kept open, as this area was pedestrian friendly and gave direct site lines into Porthcawl town. Added car parking would also alleviate parking pressures that were currently in existence in Porthcawl he added.


The Leader concluded debate, by advising that Officers and Cabinet had worked hard and closely with Porthcawl’s local members regarding the schemes proposals as well as with Porthcawl Town Council and further such work would continue in the future.


The latest proposals were carrying on from excellent work achieved to date with the re-opening of the Jennings Building and the re-development of the harbour as a Marina. He further added that it was important that the regeneration of Porthcawl, also includes adequate sea defences and affordable housing on brownfield (as opposed to greenfield) sites. All these proposed works would hopefully contribute towards Porthcawl becoming the premier seaside town in South Wales.


RESOLVED:                    Cabinet recommended a report to Council which  sought authority:


(1)       To revise the capital programme to include a budget of £2.64m of investment in Porthcawl Regeneration, funded from a combination of capital receipts generated from the sale of land within Salt Lake, and prudential borrowing;


(2)       To provide 25% match funding (circa £1 million) towards coastal defence works in Porthcawl and authority to secure 75% funding via the Local Government Borrowing Initiative (LGBI) towards these works. The scheme will not be incorporated in the capital programme until the 75% LGBI funding has been approved; and  


(Note: the sums will be confirmed prior to the detailed business case submission to Welsh Government expected around Summer 2019.)


(3)        To delegate authority to the Corporate Director – Communities and S151 Officer to agree any cost variations associated with the Porthcawl Development Scheme.

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