Agenda item

Empty Property Strategy Consultation


The Head of Performance and Partnership Services submitted a report in order to seek approval from Cabinet to carry out a formal public consultation on the draft Empty Property Strategy 2019-2023.


He outlined some background information and then advised that the Empty Property Strategy had been drafted and was attached to the report at Appendix 1.


One of its key features he explained, is its intention to take a ‘blended’ approach to ensure that the focus for action is based on key facts and information. Properties will be prioritised on key criteria such as nuisance value, detriment, location and housing demand and not only on how long a property has been empty. Once prioritised, the Empty Property Working Group will determine the most appropriate actions to attempt to bring the priority properties back into use.


The focus of the Strategy is empty private sector residential properties. As commercial properties require a more specific approach to bring them back into use as a continued commercial property, they do not form part of this Strategy. However, should opportunities arise to bring an empty commercial property back into use as residential accommodation, this will be considered as part of the Strategy.


He added that the Local Authority and its partners would seek to work co-operatively with owners, in order to bring such empty properties back into use.


The Head of Performance and Partnership Services further added, that an Empty Property Working Group that had been established would support the Strategy, as working with other key stakeholders collaboratively was one of the key drivers for the success of the Strategy.


He further added that the consultation would last for 12 weeks and it is possible that the Strategy would require amendment to respond to comments received through the consultation.


The Head of Performance and Partnership Services concluded his submission, by outlining the reports financial implications.


The Cabinet Member – Future Generations and Wellbeing advised that she was pleased to see the positive proposals within the Strategy that would assist in bringing back into habitation over 1,000 private sector residential properties that were currently vacant.


The Cabinet Member – Social Services and Early Help stated that there were a considerable number of empty properties in valley communities of the County Borough and that he was looking forward to seeing further evidence as part of the Strategy, of the type of properties that were intended to be targeted as being brought back into use.


The Head of Performance and Partnership Services advised that working collaboratively both internally and externally was an extremely important part of the Strategy, including closely working with property owners. He added that a marking matrix would be introduced in order to achieve the Projects long term goals.


The Cabinet Member – Social Services and Early Help asked for confirmation that the intention of the Strategy was to ensure that residential properties are brought into habitable use above commercial properties.


The Head of Performance confirmed that the aims of the Strategy were to target empty residential properties, so as to bring these back into occupation. However, if opportunities arose, with regards bringing back into occupation of empty commercial properties this could be looked at with property owners.


The Leader thanked all those involved in the work of the Strategy that also included Member involvement from the Cabinet Member – Future Generations and Wellbeing and a Member of the Morfa Ward who has previous experience in Housing.


RESOLVED:                          That Cabinet:-


(1)          Gave approval to carry out a formal public  consultation on the Empty Property Strategy.

  Agreed to receive a further report at the end of the consultation period to consider formally adopting the Strategy.

Supporting documents: